Day 21 - Xihu To Beidou, And Thoughts About Purity And Poisons, The Long Walk South In Taiwan


Day 21 - Xihu To Beidou, And Thoughts About Purity And Poisons, The Long Walk South In Taiwan 

This morning, we tried to take an Uber taxi back to the town of Xihu where we stopped walking yesterday, but there were neither cabs nor Ubers available.

The friendly owner of our guesthouse gave us a gift of traditional barley flour tea and offered to help, but we thanked her and refused. 

We took a bus to Xihu which fortunately,  had only two passengers beside us for the entire route, so we made excellent time.  

The bus meandered through the small farming villages that we had walked through yesterday, and we recognized many of the places we had photographed along the way.

We arrived at the Starbucks in Xihu and had our breakfast plus matcha lattes.  

The big communal table was occupied by a group of elderly friends playing Mahjong and having a great time.

We had to walk only 15 km today, which we estimated would take us 4 hours, so we lingered in the cafe, enjoying the cool air conditioning.

The day was hot and sunny and the temperature was in the mid 90’s, 99 degrees with the heat index.

It felt brutal to walk outdoors in the blazing sunshine.

Today, we had almost no convenience stores to rest in or buy water and food.

We walked alongside farms planted with rice, soybeans, cabbage, corn, peanuts, flowers, sweet potatoes and vegetables.

Our destination was the town of Beidou.

Last night we changed our choice of accommodation at the last minute, because we didn’t want to stay in the highway motel we had booked.

Instead, we booked a modern apartment about 5 kilometers east, in Beidou.

Walking through the farmland was scenic, but the smell of the manure, fertilizers and pig and chicken farms, was nauseating to me.

Jules was doing better because his nose and sense of smell is not as sensitive as mine.

But for me, the hot sun only intensified the smell and often I had to take inhales of my essential oil bottle to revive my balance.

When we had to sit down and rest, the only places that offered both benches and shade were the rural village temples that we passed between farms.

We also needed to drink more water than we had with us.

We came upon a park that had a large group of people singing Karaoke.

They had tables in the shade and dozens of chairs set up.

I walked over and signaled to ask if it would be ok for me to take a couple of the chairs.

I was granted permission from a  friendly people who came over with water and cups, and even plugged in a fan to cool us off.

On the table, there was a huge book that was filled with songs, and a big screen TV with a woman who was singing a traditional Chinese song.

It was charming and we clapped when she finished.

The woman who seemed to be in charge, was spraying the microphone with alcohol between singers to sanitize it.

I would have loved to have stayed longer, but the music was blasting really loud, and all the people were smokers, so we finally got up, thanked them and continued walking.

Within minutes after leaving, we were drenched in sweat again.

When we reached the outskirts of the town of Beidou, we ran out of water.

We still had to walk about an hour, through huge manufacturing plants and many garages, before reaching the center of town.

We didn’t pass by any vending machines nor stores that sold water.

But when I looked back to check how Jules was doing, I saw that he was carrying two bottles of icy water.

A truck belonging to a road crew who were trimming grass and bushes, gave him two bottles of water. 

I waved at them in gratitude and they all waved back and gave me the thumbs up for encouragement on our journey.

In town, we stopped in a busy bakery and bought two excellent French baguettes.

Then at a supermarket we bought an avocado, some mozzarella, a dragon fruit and some grapes to eat for our dinner tonight.  

Our rental apartment owner sent us a text with the code to the building entrance and another code to the apartment,

Luckily, we had already stayed in a guesthouse that had similar locks, because at first glance there was no keyboard to enter the code that he gave us.

But as you swiped your hand on the door handle, a digital keyboard miraculously appeared.

We were quite happy that we had switched our accommodation for tonight, because the apartment was great.  

It had a small kitchen, a living room with a comfy sofa, and a big screen TV with “BBC lifestyle” in English.

After showering and making dinner, which included cut fruit and an avocado and mozzarella baguette, I went to do our laundry in a nearby laundromat.

The coin laundromat was full of young Indonesian men, immigrants from Java who came to do their laundry, smoke and socialize.

At night, as I laid in bed, I thought about these young men who all smoked, and about the older people we met in the park who were singing Karaoke and who also all smoked, and most also drank alcohol.

I thought about the fact that the upcoming humanity really needs to upgrade their living habits in order to realize their full potential.

An enlightened mind needs a healthy and fit body.

The evolution of humanity depends on human beings purifying their bodies and minds, in order to bring forth a new pure body that can house their Divine Nature.

We must purify ourselves by getting rid of the poisons we so willingly put into our bodies, either for entertainment or pleasure or escape.

Alcohol, drugs and tobacco, which are used to subdue the mind, are just a few of the obvious poisons. 

There are so many other impure habits we have…

Like eating dead food in the form of animal flesh.

That involves cruelty, slaughter and its ingestion is a poison for our own bodies.

The sacrifice of animals to the gods or even for experiments for the “advancement of science”, is another unnecessary poisonous habit.

The death penalty is a cruel and unjust poison, for how does the law allow the killing of a person who committed a crime, when killing is illegal and so wrong.

We could detain and restrain murderers and help rehabilitate criminals until their young and less evolved souls are healed.

Hunting for pleasure, for sport or for food is another poison.

Malice, jealousy and gossip are poisons.

One must never speak of another behind their backs.

Speak only words that you wouldn’t mind that the person would hear.

Sexual obsessions and the fixation on sensual satisfaction through food, only leads to more attachment to the physical body, and ignorance of the subtle body, the ethereal body and the spiritual body.

Some people may wonder why purify the body if you remove all pleasurable things.

What is it for and what is left?…

Well, the answer is that the body was not designed to last only 100 years and along the way become frequently sick, decrepit and decayed.

It was designed to last FOREVER!

A pure body is the future of humanity, where souls that are full of love and light can dwell in human form and live experiencing the Divine powers we were all endowed with.

Human beings are gods.

We are powerful beings who have unlimited powers of creation.

Every thought needs to be purified, not just our habits.

Our thoughts and words are creative and what you create stays around, long after you have already changed your mind and forgot about it.

The world of suffering is made of all the sad vibrations that you yourself have put into the atmosphere.

We each must become more aware and responsible for our thoughts.

With love,


Today’s Stats:

Steps - 21,329

Daily Distance -  15 km.  

Total Distance To Date - 324 km