The beliefs you hold... Do they serve you..... Or block you?...

I have said it very often, that we create our own reality by the beliefs and ideas that we hold.

One of the best ways to create your reality CONSCIOUSLY, (instead of subconsciously,) is to keep examining the beliefs that you hold.

Dig deeper than the surface.
It takes a bit of honesty, since no one likes to admit that they hold any limiting ideas.

Sit down with yourself and be brave...
Realize that only your own ego, prevents you from moving ahead...

"You are VERY WORTHY and you deserve ALL good things!"

Saying to yourself and claiming that you are very worthy, is NOT a statement of arrogance.

It does not mean that by understanding, internalizing and claiming your worthiness, that you are MORE worthy than anyone else.

ALL of us are VERY worthy.
You are just as worthy as the president, the most successful athlete or movie star, or anyone else.

You are Very Worthy!
All good things can and will come to you, not based on how hard you try, but on believing in your inherent worthiness as a child of Life.

None of your circumstances, dictates your worthiness.
You are not worthy because of anything you did or did not do.

Even if your father is sitting in jail for murder, and your mother is a crack addict and a prostitute, YOU ARE VERY WORTHY!

Even if you have done bad things in your past, and made many mistakes, YOU ARE WORTHY!

You have the right and an obligation to change your life, by recognizing your powers and that you are living in the PRESENT MOMENT!

You do NOT have to carry your past on your back, like a heavy luggage, and you are ONLY doing so by your own decision.

Think about it as if you moved into a NEW town in a NEW country.
Nobody knows who you are, and you have a totally fresh start.

You can be as social or solitary as you wish to be.

You can choose to be kind and friendly, and nobody will know of the times you were rude to your aunt, or any of your past affairs.

It is EXACTLY the same, except that you do NOT have to move anywhere.

If you decide that you had enough of a certain behavior, just drop it.
If people come to you and ask why you do not join them at the pub anymore, just stand tall and say that you've changed.
That you no longer enjoy drinking every night, and that you rather sit home with a book, paint, write a poem, watch a good movie...

If you used to volunteer or do things that served you well, but no longer fit into your life, but instead make you feel overstretched, unhappy and maybe even resentful, examine them and make NEW choices.

You have a right to CHANGE, and to CHANGE your mind.

You have a right to become a "different" or a "better" person.

People will judge you ONLY by your current energies and character.

If you let the LIGHT shine through you, and become a beautiful person inside, nobody will care about your race, or height, or past mistakes, or crooked teeth, or weight or anything else.

People will see you for who you are NOW, and will admire you, (or not,) based on your energies and character.

The way the world treats you, depends ONLY on this.

I will venture farther with this, and tell you that people do not even SEE you at all.... They FEEL you.

When we look at a person, we usually SENSE their vibration, much before our eyes get focused on the details of their appearance....

In fact, the way the mind translates vision, is by projection....
This means that when you 'feel' good vibes coming from a person, you will usually see them as pleasing physically also.

Your mind will focus on their appealing features, and you will be oblivious to their crooked nose, or the shape of their eyes, etc.

If you are an open minded and a loving person, who honors everyone as brother and sisters in the world....
If you see no one as unworthy....... and if you value honesty......and speak the truth........and act in alignment with the truth, nobody will discriminate against you.

Meet everyone as equals....
Meet everyone as brothers and sisters.....
Value your own worth, and that of everyone else....

You are limited ONLY by your own beliefs.
Nobody from the OUTSIDE, can reach into your life, and prevent you from doing what you want, or being who you wish to be.....
Only you are capable of stopping yourself, by your own fears, lack of clarity and doubts.

There is ALWAYS more than one solution and more than one way, to think and to act when encountering a problem or trying to move ahead with an idea.

If you hear an inner voice that tells you that you CANNOT do this...because of this, or that..... Challenge that voice and the ideas that it presents to you!

First you will need to notice, that the message you get inside, is NOT an empowering one.
It may take a physical sensation of feeling depressed, or 'put down'.
Generally, it will NOT feel exciting, bubbly or will feel as if someone just poured cold water on your fire....

Ask yourself why are you listening to a voice that puts you or your ideas down...
And where does this voice comes from? Does it have a VALID message behind it? Or is it just your inner sabotage process? The one that kills your dreams and tells you it cannot be done?

If there is no valuable message of cautiousness to listen to, then discard it and move ahead.

Learn to acquire a "Can DO!" attitude instead.

EVERYTHING that you TRULY desire, you CAN do!

It may take repetition, and persistence, or recognizing and overcoming many obstacles, maybe changing things along the way,......but yes, it CAN be done.


You are NEVER trapped in a situation for long...

Many popular country music songs, speaks about people who hate the town they live in, or feel trapped in unhappy jobs and relationships...

If you hate the town you live in, have the courage to MOVE.
If you rent your home, it is much simpler.
If you own a house, rent it, or sell it.
If it does not sell, look into what you can do to improve its appeal.
Make it more attractive or fix those big problems that it has....
If you think the house is a headache, why would you want to transfer those headaches to others?
Fix it or reduce the price so the new owners can fix it.

If your relationships leaves you achy and broken hearted, beaten or losing the zest for life, change it, fix it, or separate.

Speak to your partner with honesty and care, talk from your heart and say what you TRULY need and feel.....
Give it ALL you can, but if it is beyond repair, move on.

There may be such a happy relationship which is waiting for you, but which you will never have, if you believe in banging your head against the brick wall....

Realize that what you focus on - expands...

It does NOT only include conscious deliberate focus, it also includes worrying, fearing, obsessing and thinking about something that you do NOT want to happen....

If you keep your mind focused on what you DO WANT to see in your life, it has no other way but to come true...

I can tell you many DOZENS of stories about people who manifested what they wanted, by claiming what they wanted and by staying focused and BELIEVING that it will come to them

It is also important to remember to ask for what will serve your HIGHEST GOOD.
NOT to just force a current desire.

You can pray to get a certain job, after being unemployed for a long time....
But this job may not be for your highest good....
It may be the wrong job for you, or not something that is worthy of your time....
But you will get it, if you use the Creative Principal correctly.

A story to illustrate this, is that of a woman who asked the Universe for $1500 by a certain date.
She did not ask for her highest good to come to her.....but prayed instead for a $1500 by a certain date.

Her son, who lived with her, broke his arm at work, and the compensation paid him exactly $1500 and it arrived by her desired date.

Becoming a conscious creator of your reality, is an EMPOWERING process and it should NOT have the sensation of a 'broken' car that needs fixing.

There is a simple process, in which your spoken words, your imagination, your ideas and your beliefs, guide and create your reality.

It is done by the fact that you were created in the image and likeness of God, which makes you a (smaller, but still unlimited powerful) god, who is creating your reality by these tools.

You do need to learn to use them and to be vigilant not to let doubts and cynicism to block your way.

I will end with the Sci Fi slogan, which holds much truth...."May the Force be with you..."