Reflections about why we do not ask for healing and a wholesome. Life....

I have made many mistakes in my life.
Some, I've made repeatedly, in my naiveté.... Not realizing that you cannot really help those who are NOT interested in healing.... Or in understanding the nature of illness.

In my own mind, this lesson did not register quickly.
Since I've always operate under the impression that EVERYONE, seeks to better their situation.... And yearns to find greater knowledge, greater joy... Healing and more ease....

In my own understanding, why would anyone find peace and comfort, under the label of mental or physical illness?

But it is not so for everyone.... And it has been a tough lesson for me to learn.
I keep my mouth shut now.... And offer no one healing advice, because I know that when a person is ready, and truly crave healing, the answers are all around.... And the teachers appear.

Some people are "beyond reach"...... Because they've put themselves beyond anyone's reach.
They do not desire healing at all... Instead, they seek for acceptance and sympathy from others, and resent any new idea that might bring about true healing.

They do not care to read the latest research, or seek for stories of healing... Or any alternative ways for a cure.

They do not travel to seek other people, who healed from the same illness, and ask them how they did it...

These people, derive so much "benefit" from their current situation, that even a suggestion of change, angers them.

Some have define themselves by their sickness for so long, that they simply cannot even imagine who they will be, without it.

They imagine that it will require too much effort to reinvent themselves, without their illness, and they are unwilling to try.

I have been listening to people who see any attempt by others, who suggest to them alternative methods to healing, as if they are "Patronizing" them, and it sadden me that they do not understand that these people do not really "patronize" them, but try to offer them help, out of care...

But it should not have surprised me at all.
I've had many conversations with people who clearly indicated to me the many "benefits" that they get from their situation, without the slightest clue that this is what they've been thinking and doing.

I will give you an example.

I once met a struggling artist.
I asked him how did he start painting.
He told me that he started while he was in Jail.

He said he was in jail for smuggling marijuana from Cuba to Key West Florida.
He was sentenced for ten years, and served five.

When I sympathize with him about how hard it must have been..... The lack of freedom... The strict Jail schedule.... The inability to travel, meet people.... I mean after all..... Freedom is essential for the human spirit....

He lowered his head, his beautiful eyes got sad...

He said it is not so at all....
In fact..... He misses jail....

My jaw must have visibly dropped, because he quickly explained, that he grew up in a very poor family in Indiana.
He said they were what some would call "White Trash".... Ten blond and beautiful kids..... All hardly finished elementary school.
His mother was obese, of these woman who was so huge, that she could not walk... Was house ridden and drunk most of the time.

He never knew his dad.... His many siblings, were like enemy soldiers, ready to hit you and grab your toys or cloths at any moment.

He never went to school regularly.... Had no balance or regularity in his life... Never experienced how enjoyable, having a routine or predictable days, can be........ until he was in jail.

Now, I allowed him to get carried away, and I listened quietly.

He mentioned how in jail, he would get free art supplies.... And much time to paint.
He did not have to worry about paying rent, or utility bills....
He said everyone admired what he did , and came to see his work and complimented him on how talented he was....

Food was balanced and good.
He got much exercise, free books, TV and movie watching time, conversations..... Regular bed time.... No alcohol... Or drugs.....

And then he drifted into self pity about how hard it is to provide for yourself as a struggling artist.... And to make a buck.... How hard it is to pay your living expenses... And you need a car too.......

What for most of us would have been the LOWEST point in our lives, if it ever happened, was a joyful time in his life, which taught him the joy of quiet days, regularity, creativity, feedback, and even laughter and the joy of having company.... Unbelievable....

He also told me, that nobody says it,..... But many of the people in jail feel the same way....
Those who get arrested as juveniles, keep coming back, not because they cannot stay away from crime, but because it really....."Ain't that bad".... It is a home of a sort....

I have noticed very similar attitudes, with the people that I've tried to reach and to help,
Many have found their identity within the label of mental illness..... There are definite "rewards" attached to being sick....

Most of them cannot work, which they LOVE.
And some get paid a monthly allowance from the government, because their condition cannot afford them to work, or they get free medical help and someone to listen to them....

Every person has their own patterns... But there is always a "Pay Off" to keeping their condition and NOT seeking true and complete healing.

Old people, tend to gather a few times a week at the free clinics.
Most have chronic illnesses, which still allows them to function with the same level of activity they would otherwise, but also just enough to prevent them from doing anything different,

They gather at the clinic, not because they are in pain, but because they are lonely.... And going to the doctor, is their way of feeling cared for....... It is a time to speak to someone who cares... And who listens to them as they count the long list of pains, and litany of their discomforts....

I was married to a man who came from a family of doctors and surgeons.
Every Friday night, we ate together, and they've shared the stories of people who came to them, not for their symptoms, but for sympathy and a caring ear.
They were always at awe, at why some people welcome healing, and others get worse, with the same kind of treatment.

When a person recognizes the "investment and pay off" that they get from their illness, and when they dare to claim that they are "sick of being sick"....

When a true desire rises up for healing and a recognition that one does not have to hold on to such a tiny and limiting label, but to claim MORE form life, this is when true healing can rush in....

All healing are of the mind.
Which is where the decision to be whole again, must originate....

People put their faith in the limited realms of the explored science.... Which is ALL in its infancy........Believing it to be the beginning and end to all...
I mean for GOD'S sake, we used to bleed people who had high fever, and cover people with leaches not too long ago, as a method of "scientific healing"...

We still used lobotomy and shock treatment in psychiatry, not so long ago... How can any sane thinker believe in science these days?....

Many naive people, Not knowing how powerless the surgeons themselves feel... At the miracle and mystery of LIFE... And at how the exact same procedures can heal one person completely, while another dies on the operating table...

Medical pills, are also a form of "spells".
The collective belief that science, or the person has in them, is what gives them the power to heal....

Life...Nature, is so powerful and mighty, that it is NOT easily destroyed....
Nobody truly need the help of spells....

Healing miracles can come to anyone.... Who TRULY DESIRE THEM.
But he must desire them truly.........And believe that PERFECT health and wholeness are the natural states of life.

Why invest your faith in illness? When pure, joyful and never ending LIFE, is standing at bay...WAITING for your invitation.... To come into your life....