A day in Heaven.... Or... shifting between the levels....

This story is all true.
Everything I am describing here, truly happened.
It is up to you to believe whatever you will...
After a LONG battle with myself, which kept me from writing these events for many months.... I am finally putting it down in writing..... and out there in the Universe....

You exist on many planes of consciousness and on levels of existence.

Levels of consciousness, are NOT simply ideas and beliefs held in the mind, but they DO take physical forms also.

You are only aware of ONE level at the time, but you DO EXIST on all other levels, living in the same way that you are living in now, only with a whole different happy world around you, totally different and with much better circumstances.

The healed world, is right here already, and "Heaven," is truly within You, and awaits your glad return.
All it takes is a shift of perception, to enter a parallel reality, or a higher level of consciousness or a higher plane of perception...... Call it as you wish.

Your enlightened Self, DOES exist with all its wisdom and glory, and she/ he walks the earth TODAY.

How do I know this to be true?
You're going to have to bear with me until the end here.

Linear Time does not exist, it is an invention of Western Civilization, which keeps on counting the hours and the years, but most do not even stop to question how did it start, question its validity and its reality.

Ancient cultures such as Incan, Mayan, Hopi, and other Native American Tribes, plus the Babylonian, Ancient Greek, ancient Hindu, Buddhist, Jainist, and others, believed in the concept of a wheel of time, that regards time as cyclical and quantic, consisting of repeating ages that happen to every being in the Universe, between birth and departure from earth. Others believe in a loop of time, with eons folding back over themselves to produce layers that are actually quite close to one another.

Only with the rise in popularity of the Judaeo-Christian religions around the world, did the concept, (based on the Bible,) that time is linear, beginning with the act of creation by God, become the "norm."

The general Christian view is, that time will end with the end of the world.
Others suggest that time is like a ray, having a beginning point, but going on forever into the future.

Death does not exist.

If death does not exist, and linear time does not exist, then where are all the enlightened beings of the past and future living right now ?
And where is your future? your past? Your Higher Self, and the home, the heaven we all yearn for?

It is HERE and NOW, on other planes of existence and consciousness that we are unaware of, because we keep our focused attention, and our belief on the lowest plane, on the lowest vibrational level.

At this level, life is mostly a struggle for many, and because people draw their identity from thinking they are separate mortal bodies, they live in a world in which nothing is truly understood that is of real Unity, Love, Eternity and the Light.

OK.... I take a DEEP breath here.....and collect all the strength in my body...... And here I go.... (Damn it with needing to tell everything and nothing but the truth.... Sometimes I wish to go back to quiet and silent living, in which I felt secure and so normal....just a regular girl.... Maybe one who smiles more frequently......who is happier than most..... Who lived in a reality that supplied all the blessings this world can offer and beyond.... )

OK...enough with my self pity... Here is how I know my "theories" above are true.

A few months back, I was granted a rare gift.
I was able to walk between levels, and enter a different reality, while remaining in my physical body.

You may dismiss this as craziness, but I was even walking with a friend.

Yes, I was walking between levels, holding hands with my own husband.
We were both a bit awe struck, and I must admit to feeling confused at what I perceived, but later, after the experience was over, we compared notes and experiences, and were able to confirm without a shadow of a doubt, their validity.
Our perceptions matched exactly!

I will try to describe here a small portion of what I saw, heard and experienced.

I sat in a large Coffee shop, to have a tea.
At first the atmosphere seemed austere.....
It was your regular coffee shop in a busy city, in which each person was sitting alone, deeply focused on his computer, and the feeling in the air was polite, civil and reserved....
A bit of a feeling of urban isolation, in which despite the fact that daily you rub elbows with people, step on people's toes in the subway and live in a building with hundreds of people, you know almost no one and have only a small handful of people you truly know, outside of your workspace.
The feeling of each to their own, all engaging in their day to day activities.
The people running the cafe, were just young employees, doing their job and nothing more.

Two tables from me, sat an elderly man.
He looked a bit lonely, as if he had lived alone for a long time, and he seemed as if he did not have many opportunities to share love and ideas with loved ones.
He had an austere, almost forlorn look on his face, and his whole aura radiated sadness.

And then I heard a voice inside my head, saying: "Remember that you are only assuming all this.
That you know NOTHING about this man or his life.... And that you are just reading some "signs" based on his shabby clothing, his rough unshaved look,....etc.
The way you perceive him, is based on a collection of assumptions you have internalized in the PAST....
Are you really living in the present moment?
Or are you projecting the past, and past ideas, onto the present?"

I listened to the Voice, and silently agreed.

The Voice continued with the same soft, kind, wise and patient silent vibration in my head: "Now take everything you believe in, and integrate it all together..... Do you WANT to take the LEAP?
Do you WANT to see the truth?....."

And every fiber of my being, said "YES!!!!"
"I BELIEVE! A million times, YES!"

There was no bolt of light...
No haze, or mist.... No change of colors and no different sensation in my body...

All that happened at first, is that the forlorn man got out of his chair, took a deep breath, straightened his posture, pulled his shoulders back, and stretched like a cat getting up from sleep....
He looked almost handsome now...

He approached the counter of the coffee bar, and started a conversation with the young barista.

They were laughing like old friends....
Chatting about this and that, speaking with a deep tone and exchanging kind words.

Meantime, the barista was not doing his job.
He was not making coffee for anyone...
But instead of people getting mad, or the girl who worked with him, urging him to get going.... Other people were joining the conversation.

Within a few more minutes, the whole cafe felt like there was a party going on.
To my left, I caught sight of a couple practicing some dance moves....people were chatting with strangers with ease and laughing with joy...it was so bizarre...but at the same time, it felt like Heaven on earth... The whole room was bubbling with happiness... And everyone seemed so unburdened....so carefree....

The sensation I felt in my own heart, was of warmth and peace...as if the fast pace of life is no more...and all that is left are happy and relaxed people, sharing with others, interacting with fun...

I sat there in a comfy armchair... Totally confused...saying to myself that this just can't be real...

And as I sat there doubting, and internally and unintentionally repeating to myself that this is too bizarre to be real....it evaporated.

Again, there was NO change of light, or any other visible means, but suddenly the room felt colder...
The man looked very forlorn and returned to his old and beaten up laptop computer...his shoulders hunched....

The barista started to rush and look stressed with the load of people waiting...nobody danced, and people stood in line with anonymous, annoyed and isolated looks on their faces... Taking quick glances at their watches, as if they needed to hurry back to their offices.

I sat there paralyzed.
I couldn't make sense of ANY of this...

My inquiring mind, kept on running in circles, trying to make some sense of what had just occurred.

It came up with a few silly theories....all seemed very unlikely....

But the seriousness and undeniable reality of the experience, left me sitting there feeling awe....

I glanced at Jules, who sat quietly and calmly.
Next to our table sat two young girls.
They were in their early twenties, dressed with miniskirts and looking a bit like air-heads..... You know... A bit shallow.... Interested in malls and nonsense.....

My mind now, was in suspended animation.
I simply did not know what to think next.

And then it happened again...

For some reason, I leaned over to listen to the girls' conversation.

I have no idea what possessed me to physically lean over in their direction, with an obvious attempt to listen in....but they seemed not to be bothered by me at all.

What I heard, made my jaw drop...
The two girls were talking very nonchalantly.................and very intelligently....... about....................... their past lives and their past death experiences.

They did not speculate, or speak about metaphysics...Or about visiting a psychic......they were simply sharing stories with one another with calm honesty, as if what they were describing REALLY happened to them.

It felt triple bizarre and unreal to listen to them...
And if Jules had not confirmed with me later, that he too heard what one of the girls said, I would have thought I just dreamt it all....

One of the girls said:
"I am not angry at the man who killed me by strangling me."
She said it with a small soft voice and with ALL SINCERITY.

This was so out of character.... The more I sat there and listened, the more it felt unreal...and sure enough, unceremoniously, the whole scene transformed again...

What I perceived as two shallow air-head girls, were transformed back into two young girls, with different pitchy tones of voices, and conversation about lipstick, nails..... Interrupted with meaningless giggles.

I needed some air and suggested we go for a long walk in the streets.
I needed a change of scenery.

We walked and talked for about half an hour.
The day was sunny, pleasant and seemed a bit unreal....

The streets looked exactly the same, only cleaner and less solid, but otherwise normal.

As we walked, we came up behind a family of two teenage boys, who looked like college football players, and their parents.

They looked like your average Wisconsin sports fanatic family.......wearing team jerseys and baseball hats, the parents seemed puffed up from a bit too much beer drinking...

Jules and I, automatically expected your regular shallow chat of people who live their lives with limited interests....

For some reason, both Jules and I, felt an urge to catch up with them and to listen to their conversation.....we hastened our steps, to get closer to them.

To our utter amazement and disbelief, we heard them talk on such an elevated level, and with so much perception and insight........
They shared their feelings with such a deep emotional level, with so much intuitive understanding, and with knowledge of psychology and Truth principles, that were DEFINITELY beyond their apparent age, and seeming physical features and energy.

I had to break the silence....
I turned to Jules and asked him if he was able to hear what they were speaking about...

Jules nodded his head in reverent silence...

We started comparing experiences, and noticed that up until now, we had perceived the SAME things and heard... Exactly the same thing...

Both of us had no explanation to what was occurring..... All we felt was that we were blessed with a rare opportunity......a rare gift.... Something that neither of us will EVER forget...

We slowed down and the family walked away.

Jules and I walked as if in a daze...
We came to cross a street.
There was a large SUV approaching fast.
Jules held my hand to pull me to rush and cross faster....the road had no pedestrian crossing lines.

But rushing just did not FEEL right in this reality... And I resisted his pull, and slowed him down to my deliberately slow pace.
The SUV stopped.
Jules expected an angry horn, or an angry look...but instead...... The driver beamed at us with the largest happy smile of recognition and waved at us with enthusiasm.... As if we were dear relatives.... Or close friends....

This was NOT just a human friendly wave, but it seemed filled with love...
Jules and I exchanged looks...as if to see if one of us KNOWS this person... But both of us had blank looks of surprise on our faces.....we had no idea who this person was.

We crossed the road feeling confused.
The driver's face became blank and she drove away.

We reached a pedestrian street in which a Sunday market and a mini festival was taking place.
The energy was jovial and pleasant.

Jules went over to throw something in the trash, and as he made his way back to where I stood, a tall middle aged man rushed over to Jules as if they were long lost buddies.

He definitely recognized Jules, and seemed SO HAPPY to see him.
He reached out to hug Jules or to shake his hand, but Jules walked right by him as if he never met the guy before...

The man straightened up, his enthusiasm cooled and he seemed to honestly not recognize Jules at all.

This was so strange....
When Jules was by my side, I asked him if he knew that guy.

Jules said he never met him in his life.
I asked him if he is SURE....because it sure looked like the man knew Jules...

Maybe he was an old acquaintance, or a coworker he has not seen in awhile...but Jules was adamant they'd never met.

He did tell me that he saw the man approach him with familiarity...and enthusiasm bordering on love...but did not know what to do...and he felt confused...... And the moment was gone.... Poof... Evaporated.

Now, Jules felt remorseful,....he felt he should have "gone with it" and at least shook the man's hand, if not hugged him...
After all....what did he have to lose?.....

The day felt overwhelming....but miraculous....and we had much to digest.... We headed back to our hotel, took showers, got into comfy plush robes, laid down in the clean soft sheets and hugged.

Jules fell asleep fast....but I flipped on the TV...

"After all".... I thought to myself,..... "If I am having a day in Heaven.... Late night TV cannot be so ordinary..."

And since this note is getting so long..... I will not bore you with the long details...but yes.... Even the TV was broadcasting insightful shows, in which some people were having seriously deep confessions, discussing elevated matters and intriguing concepts.

I flipped off the TV around 1am, took off my robe, slipped my naked body next to Jules...my only comfort and familiar thing during this long magical day...
The warmth of his body was reassuring... and I quickly fell asleep.