37 days before our cycling adventure in China.... My random thoughts.

This morning it is cloudy, but it does not rain.
The harbor looks grey, reflecting the grey clouds, But with small patches of light yellow sun with red overtones of sunrise...

The birds, are already active.
We have a family of big green parrots, who live in the surrounding trees.

They come and stand on the railing, by my bedroom window.
They have magnificent colors, and because they do not see me, they linger on..... displaying their splendor and beauty.

Everything grows here so fast and so vigorously....
The ancient Purriri tree, which we trimmed back last year, is so covered with leaves and new branches now.
It looks as if nothing was ever done to it.

In fact, it looks healthier than ever...
And to think of all the neighbors who nodded their heads with disagreement at me, after I've cut back some of the heavy limbs, which were leaning dangerously on my roof and driveway....

Luckily, I am not the kind of person who gets influenced too quickly by other people....and their opinions....

I DO believe that MOST people who chose to live here, have similar attributes.
They like the reclusive life....
They love the healing energies that come from being surrounded with Nature...
Most people here and are lovers of quiet and isolation...... And they are unwilling to be influenced or effected by other people.

You got to make your own way in the world.......you just cannot allow the collective to influence you too much....... The ebbs and flow of other people's opinions and ideas, should not direct your life...

Sometimes, when I stand alone, surrounded with the beauty around me, I feel so blessed....

I try to imagine that I am not a small body, planted here on the edge of a vast harbor, in a particular space and time,........... but I try to imagine myself in the context of history...

I get out of my own skin... Out of my small identity... And I start thinking of time, as a vast memory...

I envision this place BEFORE the first Maori came here.... And I breathe it into my being.... It makes me feel old... Ancient... But not in a finite way...not as if my body is getting old,........ But as if I am eternal....

The world is very old...
Our planet, Mother Earth, is very old.... And it needs care and love, not more exploitation....

AsI stand here, I feel like a land- care- taker.
At least as long as I will live here, these hills will always be green and undeveloped......Left to be a haven for plants and birds, wild pigs and whoever wants to roam here freely...

I feel the same in Colorado.
Our land and the surrounding area, are protected by a covenant that require each parcel to be a minimum of 36 acres.... A city will not sprout there in our lifetime....

The sun is shining now into the bedroom.... The clouds are dispersing, and the harbor looks silvery blue....

I think of one of my favorite lessons from the Tao Te Ching:

"In dwelling, live close to the ground.
In thinking, keep to the simple.
In conflict, be fair and generous.
In governing, don't try to control.
In work, do what you enjoy.
In family life, be completely present.
When you are content to be simply yourself, and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you."

These words sum up my belief..... a recipe for happiness and contentment.....

Today, and tomorrow, we will do a juice fast day.

At least it will finish all the fresh fruit and vegetables in the refrigerator, before our trip to Auckland.

Jules jokes that we should NOT look at it as if we are NOT allowed to eat anything today.... But that we ARE allowed as much "dust and lint" as we desire....