36 days before our cycling adventure in China.... My random thoughts.

Sometimes life give you unexpected challenges... And you have to face them and muster all your wisdom and principles.

The hardest thing for me to keep sharing ideas, is how to deal with people who cross the boundaries of what is appropriate to do and to say in civil interaction between people.

It seems at time that some people on FB, forget that people are still people... And that it is NOT appropriate to come to somebody's home and to trash their furniture.....

When I encounter people who consistently post opinions that are opposite to my own, I simply ignore them.
If they post their opinions on my wall, or tag me, and I disagree with what they think, I try to say something neutral or to find something that I DO agree with, and elaborate on it.

If I see that I share very little in common with these people, I will never tag them or post on their walls.... I have no desire to anger people...or shake their confidence.

But it does make me feel pissed.... Despite myself...
That some people, feel they have a right to tell you how to live your life... And dismiss your reflections and ideas....

It makes me want to say: "Hey back off! You jerk! I am just sharing what I think and feel... I did NOT post it on your wall...go find other fiends to play with... If you do not like my sand box...and leave me the fuck alone....

I have to admit that I had enough of "fake spirituality" and fake human kindness....

Loving others, does not mean that you are allowed to shit on them and expect them to say nothing in return...
It also does not mean that you are ONLY kind to those who have LESS.... or are less fortunate than you....

It does mean to be kind to those who feel happier and more blessed also....

Loving others, with Kindness, is an acceptance that others do NOT think like you, and that it is OK to read ideas that you disagree with, or do not understand yet.......

I particularly dislike it when for the sake of "Human love and kindness", people get blind to the messages in front of them...

If someone is telling you that he is insane, do NOT tell him he is a genius....
You can believe whatever you want in your own heart... But if he OWNS his craziness and cherish and revel in it, let him have it!

Misery loved company...
We all know this...

Those who are guided by their ego, who constantly suffer, have thousands of others, to gather by their side, to comfort them as they cry and mourn the many injustices of life.... Share their sadness... And their loss...

It is those who are happy, that needs support groups...in these days....

Because someone will always come to them to clobber them down, with their bat filled with envy or misery...saying: "How dare you be happy? When I am not...and when so many are not?...."

Marianne Williamson, the spiritual activist who packs stadiums with her teaching, and who started some great charities, like "Meals On Wheels", once said in a workshop, that it is enough already with "dress rehearsal spirituality"...

That it is US,........ those who have their lives on track....those who are happy...and confident... Who REALLY need support group... Because we are the FEW...

She stood up, in the room and said: "Hi my name is Marianne, and I am pretty! I like how I look! I have Great SEX! I make good money! And I am Fucking HAPPY!"

Today, I stand by her, and I say the same: "Listen fuckers...whoever you are...
My name is Tali, and I am happy with my life!
I am healthy!
I am rich!
I love my life!
I love my body!
I love my art!
And I love living!
I love my adventure and my ideas!
I have a right to be here!
And to be joyful and grateful with my lot!
The sun is shining!
I am going to a yoga class!
And I will NOT apologize for celebrating my life!"