Seeing the light... It is much easier than you think...

Seeing the light...

Many people think that being able to 'see the light,' happens after you have achieved a certain level of spiritual development and that finally, you become able to perceive with your physical eyes, people's auras, (or the radiant field that surrounds the human's body.)

Others may think that 'seeing the light' means being able to perceive while sitting in meditation, the unifying glowing white light which many people describe, when having a near death experience, or a deep mystical experience.

I have experienced and observed another form of it, that does not require much psychic ability, or spiritual development, but if applied, can change your life, open your heart and show you things that you have never imagined....

Like everything else in Life and Truth, it is MUCH SIMPLER, than you may think or imagine...

In fact, embracing the truth in ALL aspect of your life (not just in theory or as a spiritual practice, but in every other aspect of living), will bring you SO MUCH ease,... So much release and peace of mind.... So much inner freedom.... So many riches.... Great health and wholeness..... holy relationships filled with fun, love and joy.

This is what so funny about our egos.....
They are unwilling to let us see the light and to allow us to awaken and live a happy life.

But our egos has NO POWER OVER US....unless we give them the power to do so.

When you are finally awaken and realize who you really are, you will never lack anything again, nor find yourself wandering in the world, looking for joy or for a sense of safety and abundance, in temporary things.

But the funniest thing is...... That we are AFRAID of our real powers, and we are afraid of awakening.

There is a saying I've heard which says: "All forms of sickness, even unto DEATH, are physical expressions of the fear of awakening...."

It is understandable that it require a huge leap from believing in the "physical reality" that our eyes supposedly show us, into recognizing that we are powerful spiritual beings, who create our reality and project what we see....... and that we experience our reality, based on what we hold inside.

This may be too far fetched for some to comprehend.

But I will describe for you here, a true story of somebody who did just that, without even knowing it.... And at least for a short while, was able to reap the benefits that come with living in the light.

So how do we see the light?

You start with seeing the light in ANOTHER PERSON.

This means that you try to perceive them as pure and full of light, with a mind that is open, with no prior judgements, no projected ideas and no pre made concepts.

Look beyond their body, color, race, accent, hair, eyes, skin, height, clothing, sexual orientation, or anything else your ego may show you...... but instead, you look beyond all this, and assume that they are a supreme being of light...

You look beyond their occupation, beyond their politics, beyond their religion, beyond their background, class or financial position... Beyond their education..... Beyond the way they smell, or even beyond their emotional state which you may pick upon... (if you sense that they are depressed or depressing, sad or unwell)

You simply center yourself in the KNOWLEDGE that they are perfect beings of light... And of Love....
That they are HOLY
That they are wonderful
That supreme intelligent abides in them
That they are unlimited
That they are pure love... Pure energy.... Pure potential....
That God's powers, Grace and Glory, is in them....

Now, your mind may tell you that it is NOT possible that they are all of that...

Your mind may argue that they are just human, maybe even messed up, no better than anyone else.... Surely not better than you....

But this is NOT about being better than anyone.
This exercise will release your mind from misconception of who YOU ARE and who your BROTHER (or sister) really is.

Your mind may focus on their imperfections... On the way they wear their pants too loose, or their balding hair.... Your mind may notice their extra fat, advance age or pimples...

Center yourself in the KNOWLEDGE that your mind may be playing visual tricks on you, and that beyond this mask, and physical lie you are seeing, they are, (just as you are) pure beings of light.

OK, after explaining this excise, I will tell you a story from my own life.

I've met a man from England, who kept on telling me, how different things are in the UK, than they are everywhere else in the western world.

If you'd listen to his belief system and set of inner convictions, you would think that the UK is one of the worst places on earth.... A slam... A place on the brink of collapse.... A soulless place... Filled with lost and violent souls...

When I pointed to him the light, humor and beauty that I saw in some of our mutual UK based friends, he told me that he has seen 'their type' a million times, and that he 'knows' what they are all about....
He said that I just see all of this in them, because I do not KNOW and understand THEIR TYPE...

I tried to tell him that EVERY PERSON is different....
And special...
And wonderful in their own unique way....

That he is unable to SEE their beauty, BECAUSE of his PRE CONCEIVED ideas, about what a person from certain parts of England is all about... Because he believes in 'TYPES' of people... And because he boxes types of people in his mind....

But he did not agree with anything I said.
In his mind, I simply did not know how things works in the UK.

In his belief, if you grew up in certain area, with a certain socio-economic population, eating the same foods, playing in the same streets, watching the same TV shows, drinking in the same pubs.......went to the same are more of less destined to grow up the same, and to be an inevitable part of a mold, and not really be much different from other people, who were subjected to the same upbringing.

This philosophy, which he repeated to us again and again, almost angered me beyond belief.

I hold the EXACT opposite beliefs and have SEEN how different people are on the INSIDE, despite growing up with similar circumstances... Even in the SAME FAMILY....

I saw how people with very similar outer circumstance, were able to create for themselves a very different INNER lives, and of course very different OUTER lives also.

I have seen gentle souls with brilliant minds and sweet hearts, coming out of the most unfavored circumstances.

True poets and superb thinkers, who did NOT have parents, that encouraged them in this direction or at all...

In his own country, his life was not very joyful.
He was isolated in his own town, because he chose not connect with those 'hard cores' he grew up with, and was unwilling to go drinking with them and socialize on a shallow level.

When he visited us in New Zealand, he was in a NEW and unfamiliar surroundings....

His mind was not able to quickly categorize the people he met and compartmentalize them with his preconceived ideas as he always does.... And..... Unknowingly...... He 'saw the light....'

Suddenly, those people whom his mind may have judged in the UK, to be just a 'simple' guy or girl, not worth much attention, because he 'knows' their 'type', became wonderful people with sweet souls and so much that is worthy of appreciation....

He walked around so happy, feeling that EVERYONE (well almost everyone.. But that comes later) in our town, is magical... Wonderful and worthy of adoration, attention and love.

His open mind, has opened his heart and he told me that he is happier than he has ever been....

He told me his horizons had opened and that he sees life like never before....
He even joked once, before he went swimming in the harbor, that if he will be killed by a shark, he would not mind it, because he will die the happier he has ever been....

I am NOT suggesting he was not aware or able to detect imperfections in the people he'd met.
His mind did not change that much....
He was still able to see people's imperfections, he just did not condemned them for their imperfections, and chose to like them despite all of them.

With his newly open mind, he enjoyed the people he encountered in my town, and had a great time connecting with them... And being in their company....

But his mind did NOT accept my suggestions, that if he'd walked with the same open mind and willingness to ENJOY people EVERYWHERE he goes... Including in his OWN town in the UK, he will also be able to see and to encounter unbelievable new people and have wonderful experiences with them everywhere...

He WANTED to believe that ONLY in MY town, the people are truly wonderful.

When I tried to insist, he turned his anger towards us....
Suddenly everyone ELSE in town, was wonderful EXCEPT.... Jules and Tali, his hosts, who are a million things beside wonderful.

He has made a NEW convictions in his mind, and started projecting these new concepts around...

I could almost see it coming.... If he were to live in my town, within a certain amount of time, his mind will create other grooves of misconceptions and he will start seeing everyone as ordinary and uninspiring...based on new accumulated experiences.

This is how the limited mind works...
It is a prison of its own ideas.
One MUST reeducate it and move beyond these limiting concepts, which keeps one living a reality that MAKES him lonely, unhappy and sad.

IT is NOT IN THE PLACE, that happiness exist, but in your own mind.

The way you view and experience people, depends SOLEY, on your mind's decision of how you WANT TO SEE and experience them.

If you want to see the light, and encounter true miracles in your daily life, plus know happiness you've never knew before, give this exercise a sincere try...

Most of what we like or dislike, we have learnt.

Think of how clean and open a baby's mind is.

He has to learn everything.... And finally is taught to have preferences of 'likes and dislike,' 'better and worse,' favorites and inclinations.

The baby's mind had learnt the "ways of the world", which often brings with it much unhappiness, as we grow up and do not examine and change them.

It is important to unlearn bad concepts, that we hold... Even if we are SURE that they are true....... And we need to be grateful to the people who point them to us, for they are our greatest messengers.

Seeing the light, does not mean not being able to notice or observe things, it just means not allowing your mind to get caught in the details and not allowing you preconceived inner judgements, to block from your vision the beauty and majesty that is in every living soul.