Heaven or hell anyone?.....

I wrote a bad poem:

"Discontent is not a bliss,
It will robe you of your peace
It will take you to a spin
In a misery machine.... "

Sorry about the lame poem...
But allow me to try to put it better:

Discontentment, is a major block to your happiness.
Cynical people tend to find faults in things or situations, and they go around feeling unhappy and discontent.

Happiness is not an external affair.
It does not come to you based on circumstances.... on where you are or what you do, or how much you succeeded or achieved in earthly goals.

It also does NOT stand in direct relation to any of your inner progress, or your ability to process your childhood patterns and pains.

It is ONLY a matter of FOCUS and it becomes a life long habit..... Bringing you happiness or misery, based on your choice of what to focus on.

Happiness is an inner river that flows through your being, and if you learn to let go of all the muck and the brush growing on the side of the river, you can bath in this river whenever you please, and for however long you please, regardless of circumstances.

Discontentment is the MOTHER of all muck.

Learning to be content, is an acquired skill.
I can tell you that I have learnt it in my own life.

I will give you an example.
People tell me that they do not like Colorado, because of the snow.... They hate shoveling snow.

I rarely shovel snow.
Why shovel snow anyway?
The City shovel and clear the main roads, and my own driveway?...... Well, I simply drive over the snow.

I wear good snow shoes when I go out and walk right through it, to my car.
Only once during last winter I had to ask a neighbor to plow my driveway for me.

To me, shoveling snow by hand, if I do chose to do it, is like playing in the snow.
I shovel the path from my driveway for the Natural Gas Company to deliver our gas.
I do it even though I do not have to do it.
I enjoy the exercise....
The strong Mexican guys, giggled when they saw me doing it.... After all, it is their job....

Otherwise, I love winter and love fireplaces.
Love skiing..... breathing the clean mountain air, and observing all the shades of white and how they sparkle into pinks...... as the sun shines on the snow...

I love the blanket of purity that spreads on Nature when the snow arrives....and I am never cold.
Our house is toasty and well insulated, and you can walk in a t-shirt all winter long.
All restaurant and stores are also well heated and with all the new tech clothing, you never have to over dress.

Back to contentment, it is the way you focus your attention that counts...

When I sit in a coffee shop, (and it does not matter where it is,) I look for what is wonderful around me.
Now, after doing this for so many years, it comes to me very easily......
But there was a time in my life that I had to work hard on it.

Oh, I know I can choose to notice the dirt on the floor..... The fact that a couple next to me are rowdy and loud... The fact that the AC / or heat, are too high..... the fact that the employees are too young or not trained enough....

But noticing all those, will put me in an unhappy and discontented place, not actually in a coffee shop at all... But in my own self created hell of suffering.

Instead, I choose to get into the coffee shop, all happy and content.
I look around for what can enhance my happiness.

I notice the kind eyes of the woman behind me.... The happy couple in the corner, enthusiastically changing ideas... Being passionate....
I notice the stuff is young and eager to please... I see the love of life in their eyes...they are not yet jaded or discouraged.... they have not given up....

I sit and take in the smell of fresh coffee...
I notice the hiss of the cappuccino machine, and how it blends with the hum of joy in my heart.... Creating an urban symphony.....

I noticed that as I go through life, wherever I am..... I can switch from being happy and content and the joy it brings, to discontent and the misery it brings......It is an inner choice.

I choose Heaven most of the times now....
And the rest of the time?
Well..... I am working on it....