The pursuit of happiness.... Or..... Why are we not happy?

The pursuit of happiness, was always a natural part of the human experience.

It seems like it is a natural tendency in us.

The American Declaration of Independence, contains these famous words:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident,
That ALL men are created equal;
That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights;
That among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”.

We always seek to make our lives happier, by looking for inner peace, by surrounding ourselves with good and fun company, by seeking to better our working and living conditions, by advancing our understanding and by healing our emotional wounds.

We seek to live pain- free, because pain feels like a burden.

Pain resonate heavily, in our hearts...... and close examination can easily show that living with pain, is unnatural.

The body as well as the spirit, likes to dwell in a state of equilibrium.

The body sends us signals, in the form of pain, ONLY when something is wrong with our system.... When there is an overload or a problem arising, otherwise, the body feels like nothing at all....

When pain rise up in our physical bodies, it is an indicator of some developing symptom or disorder.

In a physically healthy state, the body does not send us any pain signals.
Pain is an indicator, not a normal condition to sustain for long.

But an emotional pain, is something we carry with us without challenging it, very often.

We carry pain with us from childhood, from abuse or harsh words spoken towards us, from disappointments we had, from broken dreams or broken relationships... From losses we've experience, from guilt, self torture or remorse.

When it comes to our emotional bodies and mental state, pain is actually a call for healing...

When we feel emotional pain, usually an issue wants to come to the surface and be looked at, seeking healing and equilibrium again.....

On FB, more than one person, suggested that the pursuit of joy and happiness, is a mass delusion that we all pursue mindlessly.... And that it actually adds to our misery, because seeking happiness is futile... We smile, while we are crying inside... We pretend to be happy, while we are fearful and aching inside....

A FB friend came up months ago, and admitted that she thinks that it is immature to seek to be happy, and that our pain, needs to be recognized for a valid and natural condition, and that we must not be tempted to avoid or ignore it.

While I agree that ignoring ANYTHING, is a recipe for disaster, I do challenge the concept of pain and what belief system it arises from

Another FB friend, recently said: "I don't feel any need for happiness. I do wish misery were a little more popular. ..."

I believe that misery is a human invention.....We carry our pain like a cherished friend.
We are so used to our dramas, that it is hard for us to envision our lives without them.

We are also attached to our fears.... And to our ways of processing information and understanding the world.

In fact, it is our ONLY frame of reference to our reality.

We are attached to our way of seeing the world, even though it gives us much pain, because it is the only tool we have, to sort out our perception.

There is a famous saying in the bible:

"And the prophet said: Let not your heart dwell in sadness, but be glad in the day."

Why would He say "be glad in the day?"..... And why suggest that we do not dwell in sadness?....

The short answer to this, (which will piss off many people who may not share in this belief) .....Because there is nothing fear, no reason to be sad, and because our fears, are based on the past, projected into the future and are inflated by our imagination.

I am remembering now, a famous saying by Mark Twain: "I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened."

Most of our pain and fears, come form one reason....

We are not fully happy, because we listen to the voice of our ego who is never truly happy.

The ego does not believe that your spirit is real.
It is heavily invested in the idea that the world around you, IS real.

In fact, the ego wants you to believe that the world around you, and all of its problems, is the ONLY reality there is.

To believe that you are a body, is to listen to the voice of your ego.

To believe that you are the sum of your past experiences, and that they are going to predetermine your future, is to listen to the voice of your ego.

To believe that you are a mere human, born but to die to weep and suffer pain, is to listen to the voice of your ego.

As long as you listen to the voice of your ego, you will never live pain free, or be truly happy.

It is helpful to remember that....The ego does NOT have your well being in mind.

The ego tells you that you are separated from Life which created you, from other beings in the world, and that you have to make your way in the world, lonely and destined to fail.... But it is ALL A LIE.

You are a child of life!
Immortal and indestructible (not your body -YOU!)

Now, to be clear, "The Pursuit of happiness,” extend beyond the pursuit of pleasure.

Most of us who achieved much in terms of earthly goals, know very well that great and fulfilling careers, money, a happy family or material things, are NOT going to give you any lasting peace.

I am talking about a search for a deep and lasting happiness, because you KNOW, affirm and experience, your ONENESS with everyone and everything around you... And with LIFE......

LIFE, which is everywhere, all encompassing and cannot be destroyed.

Death is NOT the end of LIFE.
If you are Buddhist or a Hindu, you know this very well.
Life is a continual cycle...
And to seek for peace in the death of the physical body, is to orchestrate another lie....

Spirit, is your ONLY reality.