The creative powers of our mind... or how to sell a house...

I woke up this morning and my bed was flooded with the morning light.

I noticed that a smile of happiness was on my face.
I did a quick inner check with my feelings, seeing and looking to check if I had any bad dreams or wrong ideas orbiting around my mind, that needed my attention.... But there were none.

I was happy and calm.
I turned in bed, looking into the harbor.
Many mornings it is covered in a magical mist, but today it was mirror clear.
It is a daily ritual to check with myself, and then with the day...

Many months ago, we trimmed back the overgrown Puriri tree that blocked my bedroom's light and views.

It has been a hard decision...
It is a very old tree and a couple of herons used to come every year to nest in its high brunches.
I could see them raise their babies and even follow their chicks until they learned to fly and went on to build their own nests in neighboring trees.

It was very centering to look at them and to remember that we share the earth and have much to learn from the cycles of life around us.

But I chose light and views and to stop the possums that used to jump on our roof from the extended brunches of the Puriri, and woke me up at night.

The herons do not nest in this Puriri tree any more.
They moved to a large tree in the back of the land.
But they do come and sit on it, looking at the harbor, eyeing the fish which will be their next meal.
They dive into the harbor and come up with a fish that looks too big for their narrow frame, yet they swallow it whole.... guts and bones.

Before I get out of bed, I usually sit in meditation.
I prop myself up in my bed, fold my legs under me, keep my spine erect, close my eyes and move beyond the chatter and the still fresh night dreams, into the silence.

After meditation that last 45 minutes to an hour, I must admit that I reach for the iPad resting on my night stand, and check my emails...

Today I saw that I was tagged on FB, with a note that made me sad... That inspired me to share this.

It was a request to "get to know you better", by answering a series of personal questions and points of views about life, God, existence, love etc.
It was written by a good poet friend and to clarify the questions, she illustrated her own answers after each question.

Number 14 in particularly, caught my attention.
It said:

14. "Do you believe that in our minds we create our destiny - that positive thinking can turn the dark sides around?
Answer: No, I don't believe our minds create any sort of destiny or better life. I believe we are predisposition and that it is complex, what determines our quality of life on earth during our lifetime."

Now...... this stopped me in my tracks.
I noticed a sense of sadness wash over me.
I felt a deep sense of disempowerment...... almost helplessness...

I remembered believing this way so long ago....
It feels like a million years ago... That I held this belief..... It was in the worst times of my life....

Now, this belief sits in the exact opposite spectrum to the way I feel, see and experience the world.

My experiences, past and present, proved to me, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the exact opposite is true

Let me try to explain;

The mind is very powerful.
It is extremely powerful and creative.
In fact, it never stop creating and it never loses its creative force.

It also never sleeps.
Every instant it is creating.

It is hard to recognize and to believe, that thought and belief can combine into a power surge, that can literally move mountains....
Yet it is absolutely true....

The power of thought and belief is huge.
But you do not always do it consciously.

If you leave your mind unguarded, you are creating by submitting to the collective mass thought.

There are NO idle thoughts.

So why do we chose to believe that we do not have influence over our lives, and to recognize our creative powers? Why do we chose to feel so disempowered?

Because the thought that you are so mightily creative.... and that you keep on creating your reality from moment to moment, is too frightening to some.

They see it as a blame and not as possibilities.

It is "easier" to see the mind as lacking in powers to create, than to learn to control and to guard our thinking.

If we bring our minds under our watchful guard, we can guide our creative powers into the directions we want them to go.

It appears at first, that to believe that your mind is SO POWERFUL, is arrogant.
But this is NOT the real reason you do not believe it.

You prefer to believe that your thoughts are not really influencing your reality, because you are actually afraid of them........... And are afraid of what this means......... ...

You see, if you realize your mind's true power, it means that you created EVERYTHING in your life and keep on doing so.... Right here and right now.

For some, this may generate guilt and a strong sense of blame.... Instead of a sensation of power.
And so they chose to believe that the mind is impotent instead.

If you believe that what you think is ineffectual, you no longer fear it.

But we are creators and we do create happiness and direct our lives by what we chose to focus on, what we embrace, how we behave and think and feel.

IT IS ALL, under our choice.

If we do not do it consciously, we do it subconsciously, or unconsciously when we dream at night.

OK.... enough with this... let me give you a practical example from my own life.
I have hundreds, but I know none of you gives a damn or care to sit and read my rants... and I need to go to the studio to paint.... so I will illustrate one example.

Years ago, my husband and I owned a lovely adobe home in Kohukohu NZ.
We bought it and renovated it extensively over a long period of time.
We then bought a second home which was bigger and had a great studio space for me.

We renovated this house extensively also, and we moved into it instead.
We were left with needing to keep up two properties, pay for their yearly upkeep, and do all the cleaning and gardening of both properties.

Anyone who owns a house on a large piece of land in rural NZ, knows the amount of maintenance that goes into the upkeep.
For us it was triple so...

Since we live in New Zealand for only half of the year, this meant that we were constantly busy with property maintenance.
Honestly, I was relieved to go back to the USA, because it meant no more maintenance work.

So we decided to sell the adobe home.
It was the beginning of the collapse of the global credit markets and the real-estate market in NZ, came to a halt.

People were having problems raising money for mortgages, or selling their own homes, and very few houses were selling.

But I believe that we create our OWN INDIVIDUAL reality, and that we are only influenced by global trends to the degree we believe in them.
So I kept on putting out only positive vibes, and putting all the efforts necessary for selling a house.

We had potential buyers, but they got cold feet from the size of the mortgage they will need to take on, and it fell through.

One day, while sitting in the kitchen having breakfast, I asked my husband, why does he thinks that the house is not selling?.... what are we doing wrong?....

He answered with total confidence and with conviction in his voice, that he truly did not think that we will be able to sell an un permitted expensive rural house, in one of the biggest global real estate recession ever.

I sat there dumbfounded.
Here I am, a silly girl, not realizing that my partner, who is 50% energy director and creator in my life, is putting on thoughts and beliefs that totally contradicts my own.... and are not in alignment with the direction we were heading.

I knew the house will not sell, until he will be able to believe with the same conviction that I did, that it will sell.

I decided to have many long conversations with him, to try to change his views, but even with all of his willingness, I could see that it was only surface agreements and NOT TRUE CONVICTION in his heart.

He truly believed that our rural house will not generate interest from buyers in this economy.

I even considered pulling the house off the market, until conditions will change, but I already put so much efforts into setting up a fabulous website, paying for global adverts and even visualizing the new buyers, having lunch in the kitchen, enjoying their new home...

So I decided to convince my husband that he was wrong.
I enlisted the house in a few ‘Permanent House Exchange’ websites, in which people who owns homes around the world, and cannot sell them, exchange them for equal value homes in areas they want to own and vacation in.

We were flooded with offers.
We got so many offers, that we could not believe how many people were drooling to own our beautiful home in NZ.

We communicated with the ones who seemed the most interesting, and got some serious offers that seemed like good solutions.
We got a lovely home in Santa Fe New Mexico,
A house in Sitka Alaska,
A house on an oceanfront community in Florida.
Two apartments in Orlando FL,
A house on the beach in Mexico,
A house in Portland Oregon,
An ocean front land in Australia,
And... a 62 feet long, beautiful Yacht, docked in a beach paradise in Malaysia, that was valued much more than our house.

The flooding offers and the seriousness of the people, led my husband to admit, that we do own a desirable property.

Day by day his confidence rose, as he saw clearly that our options were many... that we could get out of this situation in a jiffy, if we chose to.

But the more I saw the offers, the more I realized that what I really wanted was to sell the house, and not to exchange it.
I was not excited to own three houses around the world that needed upkeep.

And so with rising confidence, we finally manifested the buyers.
They came, stayed a night in the house, loved it and bought it few weeks later.
We were in the USA at the time and we sold it online.

All it took was to get my husband to believe the way I did... and to align our vision in the direction of our true desires.

So I say:
Guard your mind, direct and choose your thoughts carefully.
Cultivate the seeds of thoughts that YOU TRULY WANT, in the garden of your mind, and one day you will be picking the flowers that you are after.