What is the nature of prayer? And Is it OK to pray for material things?

For generations, God and spiritual matters were considered lofty and airy, to be kept in the realms of “pure,” unearthly, selfless and elevated ideas.

It was considered OK to pray for world peace, for the end of world’s hunger, for ending wars..... For a higher advice and for the healing of the sick or for the well being of a suffering loved one.


Praying for goods or material things FOR OURSELVES, was considered childish, selfish, overly materialistic and not worthy of our “limited allotted time with God”.... not worthy of bothering God with at all.....

New Age self help gurus, have turned the table on this belief.

Now, everyone, even preachers in Christian churches, pray openly for new cars, for large donations and for more money.

But while they set their eyes eagerly on the cash, they forget the soul of people who they urge to advance.

They forget about inner calm and peace, and they end up with people who are successful, but constantly hungry and yearning for more.

People who looks at their surroundings and on other people around them, as potential stepping stones to their own advancement and forget how to be true friends... looking at everyone as potential clients.

So..... is there a balance and is it nobel to pray for some things and wrong to pray for others?

Does God/ the Universe, have a selective ear and is he/ she disappointed in us for praying for meaningless things?.... while being proud of us for praying for “good things”?

Does it affect what get granted to us, and what does not?

Or is praying “correctly” can be a method of unlocking a subconscious “Genie in a bottle?”

We may find comfort in the belief that we are children of a loving God, who wants to take care of us, and is happy to listen to our litany of concerns and is eager to help us.

But even asking questions like these, paints a picture of us, as silly children, kneeling on our knees, begging for crumbs.... for mercy... for help.... from God or a Universal power, who seemingly operates outside of us.

It assumes that this Power, needs reminders of what we need, desire and what is important to us, and that if we “learn how to pray correctly”, we will be listened to, and get our wishes granted, while if we pray “wrongly” or for the wrong things, we will be ignored, refused and will be left to struggle on our own.

To contemplate wether or not there are right or wrong things to pray for, we must consider if there is an order of importance between our desires and needs.

Is praying for your own health, or the health and well being of another, is more virtuous than praying for a promotion? for a job? for a vacation or a new car? for guidance in getting out of a painful situation?

I do not believe so...

Our priorities lies in what we need to fix in our lives.

If we are currently ill, without a doubt, this takes first priority.

If we enjoy perfect health, but we need money to pay our bills, or advice on how to turn our life around, this now becomes our first priority.

If God is our loving parent, and if it is in every corner of the earth and she knows all... She knows us inside out.

No prayers are necessary, because God knows your heart.

She knows what you crave, what you need to meet your mortgage, your student loans, your retirement goals.

She knows what is burdening you and she loves you unconditionally, and wants you to have it all.

It is not necessary to access the Parental Loving Power, on our knees and to beg for what we lack.

Are we beggars? or children of the light?

Now... if you do NOT believe in God as a parental figure, but as an operating Creative Life Power which is everywhere and is beyond the earthly illusions..... The short answer to this question...... which may NOT be the one you may like to hear... is......... “The universe does not really gives a fuck”.....

God / the Universe does not really interfere with what we set in motion to happen in our lives.

It gave us free will and unlimited powers to create the best or worst we can imagine.

It allows us to live in this world of our own creation... our own imagining... and to dream our own dramas and solutions.

Our TRUE identity is unalterable and unchangeable.

We are one with God, with one another and with everything around us.

We are not small separated beings, trying to make an individual life... the best we can.

Who we REALLY are, is spirits.

Capable of everything and limited only by our own ideas and beliefs.

Spirits having a human experience.... learning to make the physical less dense and to bring more light into the darkness of our thoughts... and to illuminate our present and our past.

The world we’ve created is a world of illusions.

Your body (no matter how beautiful it is), is NOT REAL and EVERYTHING in this physical existence is nothing but an illusion.

Everything physical is just a trick of the mind.... a translation of an unenlightened mind who sees only the past in every moment and is incapable of seeing anything in the present moment or that is beyond its comprehension.

Now... let us assume for a moment that there is ONLY LOVE.

That the Universe does not have a mean sense of humor... that we are ALL..... an integral and irreplaceable part of the Universal whole.

That the “Sonship” is shared by all of us equally... not through physical bodies, but as ONE MIND and ONE SHARED SOUL.

This means that EVERYTHING you want and need, is important and valid.

Everything that you need and want to make your life here more filled with spirit and joy... IS INDEED AVAILABLE TO YOU.

But you do NOT have to beg for it.... just claim it... it is NATURALLY YOURS... it is your right to have it all....

To have good health,

To have good relationships that nourish you,

To have abundance and clarity of mind

To have a content and happy mind

To know inner peace and to let go of struggles.... if you want it so.....

I have said it before, but from the comments I got, I understood that some did not understand what I was trying to say.



WE ARE ALWAYS PRAYING... by the thoughts and beliefs that we have, hold and we resonate with.

We may not do so intentionally, (preach) but with every word and every poem that we share with others, we “convey” our beliefs of how we view the world.

The word “preach” may brings to mind trying to “convert” people to your ways of thinking, but this is not what I mean by using this word, and it is not important if anyone is listening or not, just by sharing your opinions, YOU are stating YOUR truth.

When I say that we are ALWAYS PRAYING, I mean that we really do create our reality moment by moment by the ideas that we hold.... in other words, we ask for experiences and we get them.

We magnetize to us experiences and people, based on our resonance, vibrations and expectations.

To neutrally observe what we magnetize to ourselves, it may help to look around our lives and to see what we have and what we experience in life, and to trace it back to the train of thoughts and beliefs that constantly takes us here.

I will end this note reflecting on prayers, with the simple lyrics to a song I used to love by Lucille K. Olson

“Our thoughts are prayers, and we are always praying.
Our thoughts are prayers; listen to what you're saying.
Seek a higher consciousness, a state of peacefulness,
And know that God is always there,
And every thought becomes a prayer.

Our thoughts are prayers, the tools that we create with.
Our thoughts are prayers, that Spirit resonates with.
Seek a higher consciousness, a state of mindfulness,
And know that God is always there,
And every thought becomes a prayer.”