Exploring the idea of Life's Purpose

I used to think that finding one life’s purpose, meant searching for our true vocation.

That it means finding that special “calling” or career choice, that maximizes the talents and aptitudes that we brought into the world.... that we were blessed with.... that comes to us easily and naturally.

I used to think that happiness, and inner peace, can only be found when one is able to align oneself with his life's purpose and to narrow down his choices, and focus on what he was MEANT to do, for a living.

I used to think that in order to do so, one must engage daily in work that supports her soul and being.

But after years of sitting in workshops and reading many books, as well as contemplating this subject long and hard, I no longer believe this to be true.

Now, I believe that the work we do, is secondary to our inner growth and process of transcending our lower self and ego personality.... or I would even say.... evolving in the light.

You see, I believe that we are larger and more fantastic beings, than we know and recognize.
That we are MUCH more wonderful and capable than we can imagine.

That we must learn to LISTEN to our higher guidance, and MOVE OUT OF OUR OWN WAY.

We must learn NOT to push ahead to accomplish goals, before the time is right.
Before we have enough information to move ahead.

We must learn to surrender... to be patient.... and to get comfortable with NOT KNOWING.

If you do not make your choices consciously, you allow the mass consciousness to decide for you.
So we must take responsibility for the choices we make... for the world we called into being.... for the people and the circumstances, that we attract by our energy and by our resonance.

We are NOT a victim of the world we see... we actually called it into being, with our thoughts, with our beliefs... with our vibrations.
We must learn to raise our vibrations, until they are high and fine....

Our relationships do NOT come to us by accident.
They are drawn to us, by our energies and they reflect the essence of our thoughts.

It may be hard to believe, but it is true, that despite our constant struggles, fears, worries, earthly goal setting, and rational mind’s resistance, we are actually NOT doing all of this alone... we are being taken cared of.

Yes.... we are NOT alone,....... as we make this seeming journey on the earth plane.
The earth plane, is a place of choice.
A place to learn about density, and a place to experiment with the powers that we have.

The ego’s mind has a tremendous resistance to this concept.
It wants to be in control..... which is funny, because it also wants to tell you that you are NOT in control and that you ARE a victim of the world around you.... that you are small and not so capable to affect much change in this huge machine that runs by billions of other idiots, who stir this boat called earth, in the wrong direction.

So the idea that you are being helped, or taken cared of, is so foreign to the ego's way of thinking, that it resists it like a dog knowing that it is on the way to the Vet to be neutered....

Back to the concept of Life’s purpose, your choice of work, does not really matter.
Your success, lies in your ATTITUDE.... in the level of mindfulness that you bring into your life.

Whatever work you choose to do, if you do it with graciousness, with a sense of joy, with an almost Zen like concentration, you will find much pleasure and happiness in it.

There is NO one thing you must do with your talents.
You can choose not to do anything with it, for years.
If you live and work with an open heart,
If you are mindful and centered in your day,
If you experience playfulness, as you go through your day...
You are successful!

EVERYTHING, not just work, is to be experienced playfully,
Yet WITH awareness.

Hold a sense of sacredness, in every gesture.

A sweet mindfulness, in every sensory perception, and in every action.

Paradise is NOT in heaven,
It is in us.....