
We are our own teachers.
How do we do this?
By selecting the ideas
That we want to adopt and to hold.

We act like a selective strainer.
We take in,
Only what we want to
Assimilate and to believe.

So if your situation is sad,
Or dissatisfying,
Realize, that NEW IDEAS,
Will feel WRONG to you.

Because your old filters,
wants only to allow more
Of what is already there,
and what will blend comfortably
With the soup of your beliefs.

Will NOT blend well with the old.
You will feel strange...
You will sense resistance.

It will feel like you are losing your mind...
Your OLD mind....
If you TRULY desire change,
Let it all go....

Make room for the new...
Be willing to sit uncomfortably,
With new ideas....
Give them a chance to prove themselves to you.

After all,
What you had,
Did not serve you well,
Or it would not make you sad....

If you feel disadvantaged,
If you feel life's great opportunities,
Are passing you by,
If you feel depressed....disadvantaged

"You are deprived of NOTHING.... except by your own belief.