The BIG dissconnect

Well, there are the obvious examples.
The preacher who preach against gay relationships, only to be found shagging a male prostitute in his car.
The “family value” advocate, who keep multiple lovers on the side, all clothed in leopard nighties.
The politician who campaign for equal opportunities for all, only to favor his allies after the elections.

But the BIG disconnect I want to explore here, is not this obvious.
In fact, it is hard to detect in many cases.... yet it exist to some degree, in each and every one of us.

I have seen it, and even been reading it, in my friends notes.
They talk about how hard it is to bridge the gap between their ideas, and their beliefs.
Between concepts held in the mind, and actually manifesting it in their realities, manifesting in their lives.

This “gap” is the “disconnect” that you can see between what people SAY and what they DO.

I am VERY sensitive to this subject.
I know people who speak beautifully.....
Who write about lofty ideas, about spiritual matters with ease and confidence.
About abundance and love... only to manifest none of this in their lives.

I grew up with a mother who demonstrated a disconnect so large, you can sink a whole cruise ship, in the gap between her ideas and her actions and reality.

But I got the opportunity to observe some friends too, at close quarters, and to see how they too, are unable to live the reality they hold in their minds.

You see, the nature of the mind, is VERY fluid.
It is EASY to shift from thought to thought, from idea to idea and to momentarily embrace ideas as we drift from ideas to dreams to whims and to fantasies.

In order to bridge the gap and to bring your “dreams” into a physical level, one has to step into his own truth.
Not just believe in it, mentally and theoretically, but to move into it, with your whole BODY!!!!!
More than just believe it, LIVE IT AND DO IT!

It takes aligning yourself in ALL areas of your being.

If it is abundance you want in your life,
Think ONLY thoughts of plenty and of abundance. Do NOT contradict yourself.
Do NOT make excuses, why your situation is really different, why you cannot make or attract money.

Count your current blessings and start being GRATEFUL.
Wish the best for yourself and for others. Imagine you are worth it and imagine you deserve it.
Examine yourself for any thoughts that tell you are not worthy... see the patterns in your life.
Do NOT allow your mind to dwell on class issues and on different economical reasons, like recession, or bad job market, which may be at the “cause” of why you cannot have.

If you listen to your inner guide, it will bring up options, to help you move ahead and NOT rely on an improvement in the overall “economical environment,” to break through your situation.
Do NOT believe in the limited “pie” idea, in which those who have, take YOUR SHARE, away from you.

Never think about yourself of a victim of your circumstances, and how you were not dealt your fair share, or how you fucked up, lost your money and ruined your own chances.
There are ALWAYS new opportunities coming around.

Do NOT think about limitations, or come up with a million excuses....... and please, please, please, if it is abundance you want, DO NOT BE LAZY.

I cannot even begin to tell you, how many people have little in their lives, because they are too lazy.
They are work shy, collect the dole (if it is available) and complain about the rich.
Or worst, some may wait for the “system” to be fixed, so they can rise with the rising tide of abundance.
You do not have to wait for the mass consciousness to improve, before you improve your own circumstances.

Laziness and lack of discipline, are the number one obstacle in one’s way.

Laziness of the mind, and laziness of action.

If you REALLY want it- put the effort it requires.

This goes also towards those who want to mediate or to diet, but do not want to put in the discipline and discomfort it may take.
Or those who want truth and love in their lives, but do not care to put the effort, care and kindness it requires of them.
Yes, it may take CHANGING your self.
Moving out of your own comfort zone.

But it is worth it.
And if it is alignment you want... SPEAK THE TRUTH!

Yes, no lies, not even small, white lies.

Make sure your speech is true.
There are a thousands ways to speak the truth and avoid a potentially awkward situation, WITHOUT lying.

You can always find a way, to be real, and truthful, without hurting another’s feeling.

You are NOT the victim of the world you see around you.
I know this line is hard for some people... but it is actually a statement of empowerment.
If you called it into being, by your beliefs, by your thoughts, by your energy by your vibrations, by your resonance - you have full power and are able to change it!

Really, life it too short to dwell in self pity.
If you so not like something, remember- it is YOUR life, take charge and change it!