Walking the landscape of my past....

I walk on the Sea of Galilee
Not actually ON THE WATER,
Just around the promenade.

And like everything else,
On this journey, into my past,
It looks NOTHING like it did
Twenty years ago.

The seafood restaurants,
Displaying their catch of the day,
Are all gone....
Instead, places stand empty,
Dusty, and junky.

The hip places that attracted
Travelers with open minds,
Are now cheap pizza and fast food stands.
The magic I remember is no longer there.

A friend and a curly haired, lover of mine,
Is no longer part of this landscape.
The hotel we are staying in,
Turned out to belong to his brother.
His son, I am told,
Owns an ice cream store by the water.

He is a young gentleman.
As handsome and gentle as his dad.
I introduce myself, and tell him
The PG 13 rated version, of how I knew his dad.

He insists to make us coffee.
Begs us to sit and to drink with him.
His eyes and energies,
Are as wonderful as I remember his dad's.

But I do not want to sit down.
I am confused, hurting
And lost....
And I have to figure things out.

So, he scribbles his dad's phone number
On a piece of paper.
He says his dad is tired of living in this area.
He want to move away.

He says,
That if I did not speak to his dad,
In more than 22 years,
I may have to give him some leads...
To remember who I am.

I put the slip of paper in my pocket,
And I smile sadly.
This landscape feels so loaded for me.

I do not think I will call anyway.
I am not sure I can muster the guts.
Even with Jules by my side.

On one thing though,....
I have no fucking doubt....
His dad, (Dudik),
WILL remember who I am....