I know, I know... Yes, it is ANOTHER sex story...

The other day, I spent a lazy afternoon at the beach.
I mostly slept,
But I also observed people...
And remembered things from my past....

I remembered another sex story...
That started on that SAME beach...

last time I tried to write a sex story,
my mind kept interrupting me...
Demanding I be accurate.

It insisted that a ONE night stand,
Is ONLY limited to a single, ONE night.

So now, I am apprehensive....
Tentatively, looking for the right words....

I do not want to get into a fight again....
It was NOT pretty....

So I wonder....
What do you call a one NIGHT stand,
That happened in the AFTERNOON?

Well, it happened to me....
Many years ago,...
And right before THAT event....
The one that took me to my knees...

That I did not yet, gather enough strength...
Or found the words....
To share it with the world...

I will just say now,...
That it involved me,.... Buck-naked
A small inflatable raft....
The Jordan River...
A few tablets of LSD...
A few, perfectly rolled grass joints...
And a friend... That was walking
on the banks of the Jordan river,
To make sure that nothing happens to me....
To keep potential pervs at bay....

Too many things.... did happen to me,
on that journey... Floating down the Jordan river...
NONE of them, were physical.

I was following in the steps of Jesus...
Fasting, praying, meditating,
Crying out for an obscure God,
That I did not understand....

But, Hey,
I did it MY way...
I Searched for answers... My way...
Not because the bible TOLD ME SO....

But I am NOT ready....
To tell that story.... Yet.

I Do remember my one afternoon-stand
with a beach bum.

I picked him up.....well,....
It IS pretty obvious,....
You don't have to be a genius
To figure this one out....
At the beach!

I went for a morning swim...
Laid on the warm sand,
And focused a lustful gaze,
Upon a handsome young man.
The sun, or the joint I had earlier,
gave him... a mystical glow....

He noticed my lustful look,
And he came over for a chat.

I MUST have been out of my mind...
Because in less than an hour,
We were at my apartment,
Rolling on the carpet.
In my living room.

I am ashamed to admit it now....
But I truly... Truly.....
Do not remember his name...

I wrecked my brain...
Trying to come up with ANYTHING that sounds familiar....
I get nothing.....Not a single thing...

He WAS a self proclaimed beach bum.
I did not ask,.... how he was able to afford it?
I think he was a trust-fund boy...
He did not look like he lacked anything.

I was NEVER, drawn to his type.
A perfect tan that extended
to every pore on his body....
Soft brown hair, streaked blond
Sun bleached ends,
And shoulder length hair.

His muscles smelled of sea salt
and suntan lotion.

He was delicious....
But still,.... not the brightest....

I was not choosy back then...
I was NOT planing
to build a future with the guy...
I was just after an afternoon,
of delight.

Now... I am going to sound like a pig...
Because what I am about to say...
Is awful...
Just truly awful...
But it is true....

The only problem with that afternoon,
Was that when I did not kiss him....
He was free to speak....

And NOT just sexy, sex talk...
I mean...
He spoke about what was on his mind...
And it was HARD to listen....

It was hard...
To concentrate about the joys of his body...
Next to me... When he talked...

I know you are already judging me...
Thinking what a horrible thing to say...
So, I will tell you what he talked about...
You judge it for yourself.

He said:

"Whenever I get a NEW girlfriend, I do NOT like her to come to MY beach!
I MUCH prefer that she will go to another beach. It is VERY IMPORTANT to me!!!!
I do NOT like MY style cramped. I like to be ME on MY beach, chat with my buddies, do handstands, run, flirt with the girls.... it IS MY beach after all!
What does it matter that I HAVE to share it with hundreds of other people daily?.... At least I can ask HER NOT to come to MY beach.... let her find HER OWN beach.
There are PLENTY of other beaches around..... She should go get HER own beach...."

His rumbling went on and on....
I guess I should have spoken to the guy BEFORE, I took him to my place....
I am SURE that even in the "high" state, I was in,
I would have detected that he was a headache.

I made him a cappuccino afterwards,
And I am PROUD to say...
That I NEVER... went to HIS beach,
after that afternoon.

Now, my friends,
Some of you MUST be bored by now... With all my sex stories.
I mean... Do I really have to recount EVERY fucking one-night-stand and sexual affair that I had?

What am I trying to achieve here anyway?
What is my PURPOSE... In talking so openly about sex?
In particularly MY own sex life?....

I DO have a purpose here....

I have been posting my observations about art, about money, about life, about the Universe, about poetry, about food, about spirituality, about travel, about the nature of illness and death, about writing...

But do you wanna know, what interest people THE MOST?

Do you wanna know after which story, I get the MOST emails?

Yes, you guessed it, after the sex stories.

Our world suffers from an illness....
I call it "Repressed Sexuality Syndrome".

And it sits in the middle of MANY of our society's ills.

Nobody cares to talk about it....
About it's joys and its pains,...
About it's potential....
As a tool for connectedness....
For unity....
For bonding......
For bridging.....
A vehicle for healing.....
For LOVE....
For extending oneself.....

We tend to think that it is about pleasure....
PERSONAL pleasure.....
And that if the other benefits, also,.....
Well...., this is just great!

If we have orgasms... We think all is well...
But is it?

Is ANYBODY... Using sex for its intended potential?....
To know TRUE togetherness?....
To move beyond the illusion of Separation?
To know true UNITY... With another?

I can honestly say..... That I do not....
Not yet....
But I do have my hopes......

All these held back, unshared secrets.....
All the lack of sharing....
The lack of vision... Of what the GIFT of sex, was MEANT to be.....

Well, it is stewing inside us.
And it finally becomes a pressure cooker,....
That is threatening to explode.

EVERYBODY suffers as a result of keeping it a 'dirty' secret...
Obviously single people, looking for real connection.... But....
It affect married couples... Just as often.
People just don't know....