Can we see the light?

Holding someone on a pedestal is wrong.
Not because loving and worshipping another is so wrong,.... but because it makes them into a sculpture....
Frozen in a certain position....
Frozen in time.
It makes them unreal....
It expect them to be more than human....

But holding a high opinion of a person.... May only mean that we are NOT prejudging them in our minds.... Not fitting them into pre designed labels and drawers in our own minds..... Made by OUR own conclusions.... Drawn from our own experiences.

Am I so wrong? By seeing people in the light?
Allowing the light in them to be seen... To shine....Freely and openly?

Some people may say it is like seeing "The Potential" in others.

I hate this word.
It implies that I see what is NOT there... Or not there YET....
That it MAY exist in the other.... Just not YET... Or not in them ALWAYS....

The people close to me, my family, always said I am a fool.
Berated me... Said I tend to do this.... See only the light in people.

While they..... The smarter ones... Those living in the REAL WORLD,
See the WHOLE person.... Including the UGLY sides.

To them, I was Seeing ONLY LIGHT.

I tried to explain... But they would NOT listen.

I tried to say... That there IS NOTHING ELSE TO SEE....

What is the "ugly" side of another?

The fact that they pee and shit?
That they fart?
That they get sad sometimes?
That they get angry sometimes?
That some people snap... When their buttons are pushed?
That some have such deep wells of sadness, that it takes them time to heal? When they hurt?

Just explain it to me..... Where is the UGLY side of people?

Oh... You mean the OTHER kind of people.... The ones who kill.. And rape... And do really horrible things? That shame humanity?
How do I see the light in THEM?

Well, I was NOT thinking of them...
I was just trying to explain that this is why NORMAL HUMAN relationships fail so often.

We "stop" seeing the beauty in another (or maybe we were never able to see it to begin with... Maybe all we "saw", is how the relationship was going to benefit US... improve OUR OWN situation... Bring into OUR lives, whatever we were lacking.)

The people around me... Who are always skeptical,
DO NOT see the REAL world.
They do NOT even see the REAL person in front of them.

They see the future of a failed relationship... That they project forwards.
They see what they WANT TO SEE.

They see weaknesses, because they cherish weaknesses.

It gives them permission to be shitty, or mean or vicious... IF they want to and WHEN they want to.


If you take one fish off the hook.... Because it is so full of life.... And you do not want to kill..... You have to let ALL fish off the hook... And you choose LIFE instead.

Who wants to choose life anyway?

Are we not here to worship death?

Does it not give us comfort to know ALL of us must die?
And that it is OK?
Isn't it the mantra of society?

Don't we LOVE telling one another: "Hey, don't take life too seriously... It is a prison... And NODODY gets out alive..."

My friends, It may be just the rumbling of an old... Mad woman... But I say.... I am tired of living for death.

I am tired of worshipping death, in so many forms...

And I will warn those who care to listen: "Never underestimate the power of human stupidity."

But... I understand that Everyone needs belief in something......
I believe I'll have another beer.