About the mission of art in society... and public thanks to William.

Thank you my friend William Mclenachan, for your wonderful comment.

I actually enjoy reading your long comments.
They always provoke me to think deeper and wider and to explore new subjects.

In the comment you left on my note: “25 random things about me”, you brought up the fascinating question of “What is the mission of art?” or “What is the higher role of an artist in society?”

Without a doubt it is NOT only about expanding conversations about social taboos.

It can be as elementary as bringing the shapes, light and color of a landscape or a place that holds a memory for the artist, to shocking people out of their sleepwalking and tardiness.

The role of art in society, is as diverse as the number of artists that there are around, playing with their mediums.

Each has his/ her own role to play, and people to touch....... vision to offer.

A great example come to my mind right now, as I am writing this,.....
One of my favorite artist is Marina Abramovic.
She started her career as a painter, but has gone through a transformation in which she decided to use her body as her chosen medium.

She has done some amazing art pieces in her career, and has been widely recognized as a pioneer, ground breaking talented thinker /artist.

She had made some thought provoking performances in major museums around the world.
She recently did a preforming piece called “The artist is present” in the Museum of Modern Art in NYC

In it, she just sat, silently for the duration of the opening hours of the museum.
Visitors were encouraged to sit silently across from her, for how ever long they wanted to,...... becoming participants in the artwork.

Some people broke into tears,....... confessed their lives stories.

It is a very good demonstration of how lonely and alienated people feel in a society filled with secrets, taboos, judgement, and aloneness.

A world in which individuality is often confused with eccentricity.

In which passion, raw honesty, daring to reveal oneself, are often confused as madness.

A world in which people are afraid to speak and feel and dream..... for fear of being judged or hurt, making themselves closed in, and isolated.

Think about how sad and lonely people must feel, when the mere sitting in front of a willing person, who is NOT GOING ANYWHERE.........Who will not judge them..... can open up such hidden chambers of pain in them.

She is my inspiration.
Even thought she does NOT like the confines of the studio walls,...... I do.
I LOVE my studio.

For me, it is my sacred space to meditate and to reflect, through the action of painting.
I use it to recenter myself, to make sense of the separated, and often alien and warring world around us.

I do see her as my role model..... I simply do it with words and poetry.....