You want to hear a funny bicycle story?

A real bike story?
I wrote this piece not just because it is true and happened recently, but also because I just heard another story by a brilliant poet and friend, who got his bicycle stolen.

It takes place in New Zealand (my beloved second home)

My husband had a vintage Schwinn bike that he owned for like 200 years.
But he NEVER rides it.
He has bikes that are 1000 times better. It just takes up space in our storage room, under my studio, standing there between my blank canvases.

So, he finally agrees to sell it.
He is NOT a man that gives up old things easily (even old ideas..)

So I photograph the bike and post a "For Sale" sign on our bulletin board in our little village. We want very little money for it....
Nobody response in a long while.

Finally, someone from a neighboring town calls, he says he want to come. to have a look.
Jules and I are in the midst of leaving and we are SO busy- we have no time to breathe.... So, we try to schedule a time, but, he is not available, or what is good for him, does not work for us- so we cannot.

We go on with out plans to close the house and to leave NZ.

We are in Kerikeri- a town located one and a half hours away from our home.
The man calls our mobile, and says that he is at our house in Kohukohu.
He want to see the bike.

But we are NOT there....

But, we trust the Universe.... so we DO NOT usually LOCK our doors- even when we are away for a day or two...

Jules talks to the guy, tells him how to find the studio and how to enter our storage room... they chat about the bike.... the man loves it....

We have put a new red seat on the bike, so the new owner will love and enjoy it....

The man loves the bike, he leaves the money on the floor where the bike was, and takes the bike.

I am sitting in the car next to Jules and I am overhearing the phone conversation and I am grinning BEYOND belief....