Exhibition at the Aspen Art Museum

On our last cycling trip in Aspen, we stopped at the Aspen Art Museum to enjoy the current exhibition of Fred Tomaselli.
Tomaselli displayed large canvases covered in resin into which he embedded leaves (marijuana), pills, collage and paint.
The paintings seems so decorative, but at a closer look they are fascinating in their intricacy and in their compositional complexity.
You must go and see it! the online images does not do it justice.

In New Zealand, the Affordable Art Show in Wellington have just finished.
I have not heard the results yet, but I did get a small note from a couple that said: "We've just bought your painting "Tree in bloom" from the NZ Affordable Arts Show and we love it!" - Ray

It is always great to hear from collectors. It helps me feel that I am not working in a vacuum.
I wish my collectors will write to me more...