How good it is to be home

It is the weekend and the weather here in the mountains of Colorado, is glorious sunny and mild.
Since I spent yesterday painting in the studio, we decided to go skiing today.
It is such a luxury to ski in 54 degrees Fahrenheit when it is sunny.
I stood there on top of the mountain's ridge, looking around me at the breathtaking scenery.
The sky was deep blue, the air so clean and crisp, and the panoramic views stretched out forever, unspoiled, untouched by human hands - it was almost a spiritual experience.
Skiing down an empty black run in full speed, is the closest I ever came to flying.

Tomorrow I am back to full days in the studio.
I just got a notification that I got accepted to Chicago's 57 Street art show this June.
It is one of America's best show and a very hard one to get into.
I am still waiting to hear from other shows I have applied to do this summer.

I have my hands full with commission works and with preparation for the shows.

Skiing today in the mountains, reminded me how good it is to be back home.
At times, I wonder why I travel so much anyway.
We actually vowed to cut back and stay home in the next few years.
We live in two beautiful places, here in the mountains of Colorado and in the sub tropical North part of New Zealand.
There is skiing, biking, hiking, river rafting, kayaking, hot springs and endless fun to enjoy.
We will stay put and enjoy our time closer to home.