Stop right there

I woke up this morning to an amazing sunrise.
It started with an array of Magenta colors, it soon turned into reds and then cadmium orange and finally bright yellows which gave way to a silvery gold.
Unfortunately the weather turned grey and rainy all day.

I did get to the studio with strong determination.
I drew another foot on my new canvas and then some doodling, but things were not going very well.
I felt restricted and I wanted to fly on the canvas, so I created a large car and a very large face on the middle of the canvas. after adding some color, I decided that what really is going on is that I am not very excited about painting today and by forcing myself to work a minimum of four hours, I will end up with a large canvas that I do not like.
So I stopped at a point in which I still like everything I see and decided to pick it up tomorrow.

On the positive/light side: today I got an acceptance notice for eight pieces to an art show in June at Manakau NZ.