For the love of God.... Do not talk about the love of money....

It is funny sometimes how synchronicity works on Facebook.

I have just read a comment in which a friend said: "Many people misquote the Bible and say money is the root of all evil.... I can't agree with this, however... I am inclined to agree with what it does say. That the "love" of money is ..... "

This was funny to read, because I started writing a new piece which started with a dialog in my mind:

Mind: "Are you gonna write about money AGAIN?"

Me: "Yes......I do plan to...."

Mind: "But you KNOW that this subject is a terrible taboo.... People would rather talk about their aunt Millie's hemorrhoids, than talk about money... Don't you have enough to do, without annoying people with these kind of subjects?...."

Me: "I just think that we need to be able to talk honestly about it... And that poverty is over glorified by almost everyone..... By spiritual seekers, poets and artists.... and that it is a misconception that leads to internalizing many OTHER bad and limiting ideas, which ends up hurting those who do that...."

Mind: "I know... But are you not tired of arguing with people who tell you that they think that money is extra baggage.... Distracting, evil, and that even the bible says that money is the root of all evil...."

Me: "First of all, it says that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil... NOT MONEY...
But even this is often misunderstood.

To me, it means that you should NOT do things solely FOR the money, but because you LOVE and want to do them...

Like Work in a career that you LOVE and spend your days doing the things you LOVE.... And do NOT do things FOR money...or ONLY for the monetary rewards.

AND......There is nothing wrong with loving money, or loving your house, or your bed, or your city or your career....

Unless you value all these things, MORE than you value your soul, or your heart...... or unless you draw your identity from them.........
Or if you judge or value people, by their possessions and how much money they have, and not by who they ARE and if you are unable to see the light that is in them......"

Mind: "For the love of God... PLEASE..... Do NOT say that it is OK to love money..... You will not hear the end of it..... For my own peace of mind.... Please do not say it...."

Me: " Relax......
Beside, since when do you follow the words of the bible?.....
I thought you've put that thick book to rest with the Ten Commandments.... Especially the: 'Thou shalt not commit adultery'... No seriously loving God would put his beloved children in a position in which they could sin against Him...."

Mind: "True.... But I did not give up on the bible because of the commandments.
I gave up on the bible because of what Jesus said....

When my mother dished me for the hundredth time her shit... And told me to swallow..... and to shut up..... And then she added that the bible says, "Thou shall honor thy mother and thy father..."

"So what did Jesus say?..."

"He said don't listen to the bible.... It is full of mis concepts and half digested truths.... just like the honor thing.... Jesus said.... "I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law...."

"And what do you think he meant by this?"

"Well... The way I understand it.....He meant that you should NOT follow blindly the 'mindless wisdom' that is passed onto you by TRADITION........, EVEN if it comes from your own beloved family..... Dare to stand against wrong concepts.... Even if they come from your own MIND... as well as from your father and mother........Be an independent thinker......... Rebel, should they dish you shit and tell you it is chocolate...."

"All right.... I am outta here......Do what you want... Say what you wish...."

So after arguing with my own mind, about even giving me PERMISSION to write about money, I continued reading my friend, who also wrote: "in my life I know that I am always much more spiritually aware and reliant when I have little that is material around me.

It is those times in my life, when I have been poor and even destitute, that I have had the most active and reliant relationship with God.
I guess that gives kudos to Karl Marx in calling it hope for the hopeless.
For me I am told to put my trust in God, to find rest in God, to unburden all that I carry on Him.

So I notice that when I am worldly poor I am always spiritually rich! I am not distracted by folly...."

NOW............maybe because I did not grow up Christian, or Hindu, and did not even HEAR about any of these concepts about money being evil or a burden on your path to truth...or a diversion from your spiritual path, that I did not internalize any of these ways of thinking.

I only read about these concepts later in my life, when I decided to explore new ideas.
And... I came upon a wall of guilt and misconceptions that I internalized through living in a world filled with people who have contradicting beliefs about enjoying money and material things...

I know that it is a PERSONAL experience, and it is different from one person to the next, but I never felt closer to God when I was poor..... Quite the opposite.... I felt lonely, sad, fearful and unloved.... Maybe even internally angry.... And feeling lost and deprived.

I definitely did NOT feel that it is humble, and soulful to be poor, and I NEVER believed that the material world is a burden towards enlightenment,..... It simply needs to be understood in its context, and take its proper place in your mind.

Fighting against money, or pushing it away form you, and keeping yourself poor, is consuming your precious life force energy...and you do not even know it....

Only after I learned how abundant the Universe (or God) truly is..... And how much it does WANT us to share this abundance......., and how I, MYSELF, PUSHED AWAY all the blessings from my own life, by not recognizing what I was doing WRONG.......that I stopped doing it, started to embrace abundance and started living with tremendous gratitude.

In this note, I do not aim to start an argument with any of my friends who think differently.

I am fully aware that if someone TRULY believe that he or she is closer to God when they are poor,...or that possessions are a burden, they will make it so in their own lives and it will be true for them.... They will associate fear and not knowing what comes tomorrow, with GOD'S love and with reliance on him.

I know that it is NOT SO for me,

I watched a comedian yesterday who said, that he can easily sum up happiness with a few words....

He said: "If you work in a career you do not LOVE, if you have no money, and if you are unhealthy, or you are NOT getting laid,..... you simply are not going to be happy....."

I was watching and laughing, but a side of me was agreeing with him.

When I was a young spiritual seeker, working hard to pay my rent, make my car payments, attending workshops and seminars and stretching and stressing to cover all of my expenses, I heard it said, that one of the reasons you SHOULD take care of these earthly needs, is because until you are no longer concerned with SURVIVAL, your mind will not let go, and will not allow you to TRULY look very far beyond it.... And know God.

Through the years, I have seen how those who believe in this concept that money or possessions are a burden, unknowingly push those things away from them.

They say silly things like: "Money does not grow on trees"

"There are no free lunches"

"It is a dog eat dog world out there"

And much more nonsense like these, which are all rooted in lies.

Allow me to break some of these myths....
First of all...


Oranges, which are a billion dollar industry, grow on trees.
You just need to pick them, and sell them...
Or squeeze them and bottle or freeze the juice and sell it.

The same goes for apples, pears, coconuts and many other fruits and nuts...MONEY GROWS ON TREES....
You can let it fall down and do nothing about it, or you can turn it into a Many billions of dollars Industry.

This is also why money is not bad... Money is a form of fruit...and nuts... And vegetables...and flowers which could be extracted to essential oils and perfumes and more....

There are PLENTY of free lunches, dinners and nights in hotels.

They range from being invited to a friend's house to share a meal in friendship, to a friend who is sick or hurt that needs a free meal... all the way to corporate offers that are promotional, but are not obligatory... to free flights and nights in hotel, as a thank you gift for participating in their reward programs.

With all the scam emails circulating around, I am hesitant to share this true story, because I have seen people fall prey to scams when they opted to believe that someone will actually give you a free iPad, just for 'trying' it..... and many more foolish things.... But....
Years ago I got an email offering me a free iPod, if I would take the time to answer a survey.

The email came to us NOT arbitrarily.
It came to us, BECAUSE we travel a lot, subscribe to some financial magazines and based upon our level of income.

This is the REAL difference between scams and true offers.

True offers comes to YOU, from a source you know and TRUST and not blast emails or online offers, which anyone can see and supposedly are available to everyone....

The iPod was a gift for MY TIME.
Not a prize or a drawing between those who participated.

I answered the questions...... it took me about ten minutes and I got in the mail a voucher that I redeemed in the Apple store for an iPod, that I gifted to my daughter in law.

Yesterday while staying in a luxury resort that was offered to us for almost no money, and with the hope that we will stay there in the future, we also got $175 cash, just for listening to an offer from the resort, that can save us money on our future travels.

We did not take them up on their offer, but still got the $175 just for our time.

Basically, I have mentioned the above, to show you that there are PLENTY of wrong ideas circulating around about money, which are simply wrong.

There are many ways in which we push away money from magnetizing to us.

We start with a core belief, like the one I've mentioned above, that having money may mean that I am less reliant on God, and less connected with her.... Or that loving money is evil.... Or that one who enjoys money has no time for God... Or many other limiting ideas that you do NOT HAVE to adopt...

Wrong ideas are EVERYWHERE.... (like when people say relationships are HARD...
That love is hard to come by... Etc)

The FIRST step to doing this, is by letting go of all glamorous ideas we may hold about poverty.

I have heard many stories about how the poor know how to share, and how many live simply, but still know how to give..... But those perceptions are only PARTIALLY true.

When you see a poor person sharing his last meal, what you ACTUALLY seeing, is a KIND and GENEROUS person sharing his last meal.

Not a POOR man, but a KIND and GENEROUS MAN.

There must be a desire in YOU, to glorify the concept of poverty, if you made the choice to see a POOR man being virtuous.

I would like to remind you, that most crimes perpetrated in the streets, are also carried by the poor.

Very rarely you will see multi millionaires, holding up people on street corners with a loaded gun, and asking for their wallets....

Most of our prisons are also populated with poor people who turn to crime because they are not able to envision getting out of their pressing or dire situations, by honest and honorable means, and they turn to crime instead.

I am not trying to glorify neither being rich, NOR being poor.
All I am trying to say, is that it is our minds who point to us, what to see....based on our pre-conditionings and aptitude towards what we WANT TO SEE.

Like everything else in creation, money, is just pure energy.

After the core belief, we do it by the way we SPEAK, and THINK.... Which ultimately determine what we believe, or is an indication of what we believe.

For instance.......How comfortable are you with saying the opposite of these statements by saying things like:

"I enjoy having money and love circulating it with joy!"

"Every day, I am building my abundance with love and gratitude"

"Every person who buys my art, is doing it because they LOVE it... Yet they pay me with MONEY... So money IS a form of LOVE given to me"

"The Universe is SO Fucking abundant, I NOW LOVINGLY, claim my share of it with MUCH grace and gratitude!"

"I am a magnet for money... It just comes to me naturally.... I do what I love and the money follows...."

"I get paid very well, because I do a fabulous job which I love..... with all my heart and I totally deserve it!"

"I love having money! It is fun and it allows me to do with it much good around me!"

I can almost see some of you grinding your teeth and nodding your heads with disagreement... Or some are hearing an inner voice which is saying: "I WISH it were true..."

For me, it was not a fast process, but it was FUN to see the changes in me, and the Universe obliging.....and during the years, I have learnt how little of what I was doing, was actually about money.

I have learnt that the desire to have and enjoy money, is actually a desire to assert ourselves and to take control of our lives.

That the desire to have money, come from a deeper knowing, and a desire to discover who we REALLY ARE.... And to know our TRUE POWERS......

That it is OK to be wealthy and that we deserve to have it... That there is nothing wrong with living abundantly......

That it is within our ability to have it..... And.... Here comes the bomb... That the universe / God, actually WANTS us to have it.... To remember our powers and to lack absolutely NOTHING.... And that extends to perfect health ( Physical and mental), good relationships....and total happiness.

I know this is getting long.... But to bore you more...
I will remember here the first time I saw a man who took control of his destiny, and decided to change his mind about money.
It was the very first time I physically saw a man doing so.... on the streets of NYC.

I first encountered "Money Paranoia" when I lived in New York City.

Big cities are a landscape for consumer goods, man made creations and a melting pot of other people's fears, bad concepts and ideas.

With a city like NYC, where you rarely see any nature, your daily visual interest, are buildings, stores, bulletin boards with offered services.

People seem to be busy daily with the task of 'making a living' and you are not even aware how much of it, sinks into your psyche.

In a big city, you need money for everything. (this is why I dislike living in big cities)
Your entertainment, and the survival of your body, depends on it.

You need money to enjoy everything form movies to plays, to music, to food,... Clothing, fashion, transportation........Everything costs money.... And of course your own self value, unfortunately, gets wrapped erroneously around your capacity to magnetize money to you.

Many years ago, when living in NYC, I was told NEVER to show the large money in your wallet, in public.
If you withdrew it from a cash machine, quickly put it away.

It seems like the whole city, was mutually engaged in 'money paranoia'....

If you had money, you'd never show it to anyone for GOD'S sake.....
After all, people are robbing other people for a measly pair of sneakers....
They would KILL you for a few hundred dollars....

One Sunday, I went to brunch with my sister and her friends.
As always, we've parked wherever we could find a parking space, and walked a few blocks to our favorite restaurant to have brunch.

On one of the street corners, stood a man dressed in a fashionable suit, holding a thick wad of dollar bills.

It was a quiet street, and not many people walked by.
As I walked by him, he offered me a dollar from his thick wad.
I thankfully accepted, looking at him quizzically....

He smiled at me and said: "Go ahead babe, take it! There are PLENTY MORE where this came from..."

I took the dollar and ran to catch up with my friends, who were lifetime New Yorkers and NEVER stopped to talk to strangers...

I showed them the crisp dollar and told them what the man said.
They laughed and did not believe me.
I suggested that in order to prove to them that I am telling the truth, I'd go back and get another dollar....

They dared me to try.... Said nobody gives free money on the streets of New York...

So I went back.
I smiled and asked the man if I can get another dollar..... The man smiled and said:
"Sure, take another, there are PLENTY MORE where this came from..."

My astonished friends stood in disbelief, when I took another dollar, thanked the man and asked him WHY is he doing this.....

He said that he is doing a course in Abundance... And that he is learning to let go of his fears and attachment to money and he is actively examining and combating he fears of lack....

He said that he TRUSTS the Universe to give him MORE, as he learns NOT to be so attached to money, and not to fear its absence.
Also...he is not looking to feel charitable, by giving it only to needy people, but to anyone... He does not even need to BUY anything in return... Simply to give it away....

When I asked if he is not afraid to get robbed, or that someone will grab the whole wad and run away, he said NO!

He said he trusts the Universe to be a wonderful place.... An abundant place... And he TRUSTS his brothers and sisters to be honest and good...

This was the first time in my life, that I've encountered a person PHYSICALLY doing something about changing his mind from a mindset filled with fear and lack... To a mindset filled with blessings and abundance.

I have come a long way in life.... And many years have passed since that autumn day in NYC.

I have worked diligently on changing my own mind, and embracing better concepts.... gently and consistently into my life, to welcome and to allow abundance into my own life.

I have learnt restraint and how to save........ and how to examine what comes my way carefully.... How to act or NOT to act, but definitely not to pass on offers, just because they seem too good to be true.

I've learnt to use common sense and reason and to be patient and wise.... And VERY INTUITIVE.

I believe that the Universe speaks to us through our intuition.

Beyond abundance, we do have a need to manifest, the relationships that we want.... A career that fits our talents.... A home that is a sanctuary and a life that allows us to be joyful, restful, safe and happy.... And this may include a healthy body and more.

For closure, I'd like to mention that the desire to discover and to express our powers and to MANIFEST anything we TRULY want, does not always involve money.

I had a friend visiting us in Colorado.
He wanted to help with house chores.

I suggested he can oil the outdoor wood furniture.
I gave him the stain and the tools and a plastic to cover the wooden deck, so it will not get stained dark brown, like the furniture.

He was not happy with the plastic sheet and knowing I am wealthy, asked if I can buy a large tarp.

I said that a tarp is NOT a good floor cover, because it is woven and perforated, and the stain will run through it, and will stain the deck.

My friend did not believe me... Looked at me as if I am cheap.... and......manifested what he wanted...

He came to me the next day, and said that while he took the rubbish to the communal bin, he found a very large and good tarp folded cleanly in the trash, and it has only one small hole in the side, but otherwise, it is in PERFECT shape.... Do I mind if he uses it?

I had to agree.... But only if he puts the plastic on the deck first, and spreads the tarp on top of it, as an extra thick protection.

It was the best compromise and my friend manifested what he wanted... With no money... Just a wish.

He is a great and powerful "manifestor".... He just does not believe it yet....