Two Men, Fat Cigars and Theories- A True Story- only in my words

Imagine this scene:

Ziggy is sharing a glass of sherry with Rolland.

Both of the men are sucking on thick cigars and puffing the smoke into the leathery air of the mahogany clad library’s walls.

Both men are highly esteemed in their society.

Ziggy’s ideas may not withstand the test of time, though.

He had created theories in the field of psychology that were not based on actually LISTENING to his clients.

Too many young Austrian girls, were complaining that they were sexually approached by their dads- which led Ziggy to compose his “Penis Envy Theory.”

I have a bone to pick with Ziggy.

He had negatively “inspired” a long chain of distorted psychiatry and psychology practices that are still taught today.

He did not “HEAR” those girls nor believed their complaints.

He did not feel the “vibes” of the society he was living in.

He was not intuitive enough to realize that he was
living in a repressed, bigoted, European society,
filled with people that were screaming to be free.

But tonight these two men are not talking about the human condition.

They are discussing the principle of God, and the nature of the universe.

Rolland describes what he calls the "Oceanic" feeling - that is, a feeling of eternity, a deep and innate connection with all things, a "oneness" with the world.

Rolland, said that this "Oceanic" feeling is the primal source of all religion, but itself independent of any particular religion.

Ziggy (AKA Freud), is an atheist and avowed "man of science.”

Ziggy disagrees.
He takes a sip of his cherry, sucks on his cigar and explains;

He admits that many people may report experiencing this "Oceanic" feelings,
But he does not believe that it is some “mystical feeling” of connection with the Universe.

Ziggy “hears” that, as an infantile helplessness, experienced when an individual is confronted with a hostile world and a subsequent longing for the protection and guidance of the “father”.

For Ziggy, this "Oceanic" feeling is "sustained by fear of the superior power of Fate."

I leave those two men in their airless room,
and I soar out of the window,
to the mountains,
through the rain,
and the lakes
and the blue ocean.

I do not care if they will agree, or how they will decide to write it down.

I do not care how it will be taught and learnt in future generation’s text books.

I do not ask questions.
As I blend into the light filled air, I am overflowing with an “Oceanic Feelings” AND the sense of being protected, guided and infinitely LOVED.



Myself when young did eagerly frequent
Doctor and Saint, and heard great Argument
About it and about: but evermore
Came out by the same Door as in I went.
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Thanks Wendy and Ray for taking the time to read this.

I love Omar Kayyam's poem that Ray added.
It is so true and wise.

I got inspired to write this piece after reflecting on so many cries for help I have been hearing from people about "psychological" problems, the need for medications and dealing with depression and pain.

I wanted to highlight that the "Professionals" - just theorized and were indeed wrong many times.

This "conversation" took place in letters, between the French novelist and mystic Rolland Romain and Sigmund Freud.

It is described in Sigmund Freud's book "Civilization and its discontents".

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