Origami - the art of paper folding

When I was a child, perhaps 8 or 10 years old, someone showed me how to make an origami swan that can flap its wings and a frog that can jump, from folded papers.
I memorized it and carried it inside me with a sense of pride.
I knew that I can take an ordinary piece of paper and whisper life into it.

Later in life with the joys and storms that comes from living, I forgot how to fold paper into creatures that can delight me.
I always intended to get a book about origami and refresh my memory.
This year for the Holidays, I got myself some origami books and learned how to fold a giraffe, a lion, deer, tiger, gorilla, swans, owl, unicorn, dragon and more.

I decided to use my paper friends in my email holiday cards.
I arranged them on the snow that has accumulated abundantly outside my studio door.
Wishing you all a wonderful Holiday Season and a wonderful New Year.