The spirit of the place.

One of the reason that I love living in the mountains is that I feel that I am surrounded with great spirits.
Not just invisible spirits of the ancient American Indians that used to live along the Sweetwater Creek, but also the spirits of the people that currently call this mountain range their home.
You can see them in the rivers, sitting in small dagger kayaks, battling gushing waters and impossible rapids. You can spot them cycling the high mountain passes , roping themselves into caves and crevasses, skiing down rocky cliffs, somersaulting in the air.

I find myself cheering for the daring ones, for the ones that put aside convention and fear and allow their spirit to be what it was always meant to be- Free!

I also find myself stretching up, hoping to free myself from self imposed limitations, wanting to move ever upwards. I know that I have a long way to go, but at least I am trying.