Getting over sales dissapointements.

I received news on the Wellington art show in NZ.
I sold three paintings of the “Unnerving to a frugalist” series and none of my newest series “The artist’s sketchbook”.
I felt melancholy all yesterday night and into this morning until I decided to pull out my journal and to do some emotional processing in writing.
I asked myself what does it really represent that in one show people did not purchased any painting from this series?
I asked myself do I really want to change directions because of a small setback?
Do I really believe in what I am doing? Do I love to do it?
Does it fits my vision of the world?
The answers were very obvious.
I enter my studio this morning with renewed enthusiasm.

I decided to draw and paint some toy robots on my new sketchbook- canvas.
I worked all day on completing a small silver robot that I like a lot.
I may do only one robot a day to give it my out most attention.
I also packed and prepared a painting to ship to a client.