The Man Who Saved The World By Trusting His Intuition Some people call it a "gut feeling," but I prefer to call it "trusting your intuition". In-tuition is In-tuning or tuning in, a process of learning to recognize, and then trust your intuition, regardless of contrary data which might point to the opposite conclusion. Tuning within, and listening to the Voice of your Higher Self, is a lifelong process for most of us, as spiritual seekers. It takes time and effort to learn to identify when a voice is coming from your small, limited and self-serving ego-self, and when it is the Voice of your spiritual guides, your Higher Self, or the Voice of God within. One must learn to tune in and ask for guidance about everything. Before making any decision or taking any major path in life, it is most advisable to tune in to our intuition and ask for higher guidance. After asking, we must learn to TRUST the answer of our God within. Your Higher Self is ONE with ev...