Barefoot College- A Way Of Empowering People Out Of Poverty.
At the end of each year, you can read the published numbers and statistics about the poverty around the world. I read that last year, despite the fact that generous people, charitable organizations, and philanthropists around the world have donated almost a billion dollars to feed and support the poor, the numbers of poor people around the world did not decrease AT ALL. Which means that sending money or grain to help feed the poor- simply does NOT work. Even assuming that the donated money did filter through to the poor, despite corruption, it is still like feeding a person a meal for a day, versus teaching him how to fish, so he can feed HIMSELF every day. There are good programs around the world that empower poor people and teach them how to step out of poverty on their own. My partner and I donated to a program of "Micro-Loans", which offers small loans to poor people so they can start their own businesses. These poor uneducated women, with many kids, who could not get a...