
Showing posts from January, 2011

Seeing the light... It is much easier than you think...

Seeing the light... Many people think that being able to 'see the light,' happens after you have achieved a certain level of spiritual development and that finally, you become able to perceive with your physical eyes, people's auras, (or the radiant field that surrounds the human's body.) Others may think that 'seeing the light' means being able to perceive while sitting in meditation, the unifying glowing white light which many people describe, when having a near death experience, or a deep mystical experience. I have experienced and observed another form of it, that does not require much psychic ability, or spiritual development, but if applied, can change your life, open your heart and show you things that you have never imagined.... Like everything else in Life and Truth, it is MUCH SIMPLER, than you may think or imagine... In fact, embracing the truth in ALL aspect of your life (not just in theory or as a spiritual practice, but in every other aspect of liv...

How we misjudge people and situations...

ā€Ž"The Stingy Artist" Gessen was an artist monk. Before he would start a drawing or painting he always insisted upon being paid in advance, and his fees were very high. He was known as the "Stingy Artist." A rich female patron once tried to commission a painting. "How much can you pay?" inquired Gessen. "Whatever you charge," replied the girl, "but I want you to do the work in front of me." So on a certain day, Gessen was called by the lady. She was having a feast for her visiting lover. Gessen did the painting with a fine brush. When it was completed he asked the highest sum of money, for the work and for his time. He received his pay. The lady turned to her lover, saying: "All this artist wants is money. His paintings are fine, but his mind is dirty; money has caused it to become muddy. Drawn by such a filthy mind, his work is not fit to exhibit. It is just about good enough for one of my petticoats." Removing her skirt, she ...

My thoughts about Zen Koans ....

I will attempt in this note to demystify a little the concept of the Zen Koans, and it's purpose in spiritual studies, as I understand it. I have been reading people's comments and notes and noticed that some may have heard different or contradicting concepts and stories about Koans. A zen Koan, is a non sensical question which really has NO ANSWER. During the course of the student studies, he/ she will be presented with a series of nonsensical or paradoxical questions, and will be encouraged to seek the answers to them. The student will be encouraged to THINK that the Koan Does have and answer and encouraged to think about the question while working in the garden, or in the kitchen, while walking, while dreaming, even while meditating and sleeping, The student is encouraged to find the 'right' answer. Every time they present their answer to the Zen master, they are told that it is the WRONG answer, but....... That there IS a RIGHT answer, and all they need to do is jus...

A very funny joke for you....

It was the first day of a school in USA and a new Indian student named Chandrasekhar Subramanian entered the fourth grade. The teacher said, "Let's begin by reviewing some American History. Who said 'Give me Liberty , or give me Death'?" She saw a sea of blank faces, except for Chandrasekhar, who had his hand up:'Patrick Henry, 1775' he said. 'Very good! Who said 'Government of the People, by the People, for the People, shall not perish from the Earth?'' Again, no response except from Chandrasekhar. 'Abraham Lincoln , 1863' said Chandrasekhar. The teacher snapped at the class, 'Class, you should be ashamed. Chandrasekhar, who is new to our country, knows more about our history than you do.' She heard a loud whisper: 'Fuck the Indians......' 'Who said that?' she demanded. Chandrasekhar put his hand up. 'General Custer, 1862.' At that point, a student in the back said, 'I'm gonna puke.' The ...

Why we need to love what you have... And a bit about Sikhism

Years ago, while lounging at the pool in my apartment building in Aventura (North Miami Beach) I've met a wise Sikh man. He was visiting his relatives, and he took some time to relax and enjoy the outdoors hot tub and the warm Florida winter's sun. He was wearing a small bathing suit and a large turban... The religious people I've encountered in my young life, advocated modesty, by covering most of the body and hair. Even the less religious do not cover their hair, but cover their bodies in public. Here was quite the opposite. The man was in speedos, but wearing a turban. When he joined me in the Hot Tub, he did not remove his turban. Our conversation was easy and light, almost like a friendly chat, but as I saw that he was so willing to answer all of my inquiries, I got braver and more direct and our conversation deepened into a serious philosophical and religious discussion. Being a spiritual seeker with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and wisdom, I viewed this 'c...

The uselessness of fear...

"I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened." (Twain, Mark) Most of us know that many times, fear is what stands between us and enjoying life or manifesting our dreams. Yes, there are also self doubts, inner conflicts, contradicting desires, dispiriting ideas that we feed ourselves with..... and many other things that sabotage our journey toward remembering our powers and manifesting our dreams. A closer examination will point to the fear, that is at the base of each and every one of these. We need to be compassionate towards ourselves, as we go through the process of reconnecting with our inner being. We need to touch that fearful child inside of us, and to listen to him/ her and to let them reveal themselves to us.... After our inner child, reveals to us, her beliefs and hidden fears, we need to look at them and to examine their validity. We need to reeducate our inner child and to give him NEW ways of thinking and to stre...